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The authors present the optimisation procedure and results, applied to the system discussed in part I. This procedure utilises a "fixed variables" method from the group of "search methods". The optimisation is related to the specific turbocharged engine STAR T3 70 for which necessary construction data and experimental measurements were available. Calculation results, however, are based mainly on the computer simulation of time dependant flows in the inlet and exhaust systems of this engine. They show that the presented method, after necessary improvements and the use of more advanced optimisation procedures, could represent an additional and attractive tool, which might be used by designers of such systems.
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Krzysztof Nakonieczny
Tadeusz R. Fodemski
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Szargut proposed the algorithm for determination of the influence of irreversibility of components of thermal process on the emission of CO2 [6]. In the presented paper, basing on Szargut's proposal, the example of analysis of influence of operational parameters of coal fired power plant on the local increase of CO2 emission is presented. The influence of operational parameters on the local exergy losses appearing in components of investigated power plant are simulating making use of the semi-empirical model of power plant.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Stanek
Michał Budnik
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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is transported by the sea-ships with relatively low pressure (0.13–0.14 MPa) and very low temperature (about 100 K) in cryo-containers. Liquid phase, and the low temperature of the medium is connected with its high exergy. LNG receives this exergy during the liquefaction and is related with energy consumption in this process. When the LNG is evaporated in atmospheric regasifiers (what takes place in many on-shore terminals as well as in local regasifier stations) the cryogenic exergy is totally lost. fortunately, there are a lot of installations dedicated for exergy recovery during LNG regasification. These are mainly used for the production of electricity, but there are also rare examples of utilization of the LNG cryogenic exergy for other tasks, for example it is utilized in the fruit lyophilization process. In the paper installations based on the Brayton cycle gas turbine are investigated, in the form of systems with inlet air cooling, liquid phase injection, exhaust gas based LNG evaporation and mirror gas turbine systems. The mirror gas turbine system are found most exegetically effective, while the exhaust gas heated systems the most practical in terms of own LNG consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ireneusz Szczygieł
Bartłomiej Paweł Rutczyk

  1. Silesian University of Technology Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Bull.Pol. Ac.: Tech.) is published bimonthly by the Division IV Engineering Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since the beginning of the existence of the PAS in 1952. The journal is peer‐reviewed and is published both in printed and electronic form. It is established for the publication of original high quality papers from multidisciplinary Engineering sciences with the following topics preferred: Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Control, Informatics and Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunication and Optoelectronics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Power Systems and Power Electronics.

Journal Metrics: JCR Impact Factor 2018: 1.361, 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.323, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2017: 0.319, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2017: 1.005, CiteScore 2017: 1.27, The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2017: 25 points.

Abbreviations/Acronym: Journal citation: Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech., ISO: Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci.-Tech. Sci., JCR Abbrev: B POL ACAD SCI-TECH Acronym in the Editorial System: BPASTS.

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Abdulrahman Almutairi
Hamad Alhajeri
Abdulrahman Alenezi
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The paper is devoted to the problems of exergetic cost determination. A brief description of theoretical fundamentals of exergetic cost determination and its application are presented. The applied method of calculations is based on the rules of determination of cumulative exergy consumption. The additional possibilities ensured by the exergetic cost analysis in comparison to the direct exergy consumption analysis are discussed. The presented methodology was applied for the analysis of influence of operational parameters on exergetic cost indices of steam power plant. Results of calculations concern one of the modern Polish power plant unit. Basing on the obtained results several conclusions have been formulated that show advantages of application of exergetic cost analyses.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Budnik
Wojciech Stanek
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Based on the exergetic sustainability indicators of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell, this paper studied the effects of irreversibility of thermodynamics on some exergetic sustainability indicators of PEM fuel cell under changing operating temperature, operating pressure and current density. Some conclusions are drawn by analyzing the curves. As the operating temperature increases, the negative impact of PEM fuel cell on various parameters due to irreversibility decreases; As the operating pressure increases, the negative impact of PEM fuel cell on various parameters due to irreversibility decreases; On the other hand, with the increase of current density, the negative impact of the PEM fuel cell on various parameters due to irreversibility increases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bing Xu
Yan Chen
Zheshu Ma

  1. Nanjing Forestry University Coll Automobile & Traff Engn, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China
  2. The 723th Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Yangzhou, 225001, China
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The global solar radiation is the origin for all environmental processes on the earth and the majority of energy sources are derived from it. The data of solar radiation are required for the design and the study of solar application systems. The more important is the quality of the solar radiation which is defined by the maximum work can be provided by the solar radiation. This quality is measured by the exergy content of a solar radiation. In the present work, a universal pattern has been built to provide a prediction of solar exergy dependently to the geographic location. Fitting models have been developed for exergy account depending on geographic location, based on the linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, exponential, power regression. The Petela model is adopted from literature for exergetic efficiency accounting of solar radiation. The global solar radiation according to ASHRAE model is expressed dependently of the cosine of zenith angle. The developed model is applied on Tunisia regions to predict exergy solar potential. The studied regions are classified regarding the exergy account, high, medium and low solar exergy locations. Results show that generally the solar radiation shows a low degree of exergy content, about 7% of difference.
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Authors and Affiliations

Khaoula Daghsen
1 2
Dorra Lounissi
Nahla Bouaziz

  1. University of Monastir, National Engineering School of Monastir, Rue Ibn El Jazzar, Monastir 5000, Rue Ibn Jazzar, Monastir 5035, Tunisia
  2. University of Tunis El Manar, National Engineering School of Tunis, Energy and Environment Laboratory LR21ES09, ENIT. BP 37, Le Belvedere 1002
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Efficiency and electrical power output of combined cycle power plants vary according to the ambient conditions. The amount of these variations greatly affects electricity production, fuel consumption, and plant incomes. Obviously, many world countries have a wide range of climatic conditions, which impact the performance of power plants. In this paper, a thermodynamic analysis of an operating power plant located in Jordan is performed with actual operating data acquired from the power plant control unit. The analysis is performed by using first and second laws of thermodynamics. Energy and exergy efficiencies of each component of the power plant system are calculated and the effect of ambient temperature on the components performance is studied. The effects of gas turbine pressure ratio, gas turbine inlet temperature, load and ambient conditions on the combined cycle efficiency, power outputs and exergy destruction are investigated. Energy and exergy efficiencies of the combined cycle power plant are found as 45.29%, and 42.73% respectively when the ambient temperature is 34 ◦C. Furthermore, it is found that the combustion chamber has the largest exergy destruction rate among the system components. The results showed that 73% of the total exergy destruction occurs in the combustion chamber when the ambient temperature is 34 ◦C. Moreover, the results show that the second major exergy loss is in HRSC. The results show that the energy and exergy efficiency of the combined cycle power plant decreases as the ambient temperature increases. According to the calculation results, improvement and modification suggestions are presented.

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Khaled Bataineh
Bara A. Khaleel
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The new efficient method of modeling and thermodynamic analysis of power engineering systems has been presented. With its help a comparison of different structures and investigation of the influence of a particular constituent process onto the whole system efficiency is possible. The shaft work or the exergy is the main thermodynamic quantity taken into account in analyses, and the appropriate dimensionless modeling parameter has been introduced.

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Jarosław Kozaczka
Pavel Kolat
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The article presents an experimental-theoretical analysis of fluidised-bed drying of poppy seeds directed on minimisation of energy. The analysis was performed for a complete drying node incorporating a heat exchanger and a fan. Two complementary factors were used in the exergetic evaluation: exergy efficiency and unit consumption of exergy. An analysis of drying in stationary bed was carried out for comparison purposes. Results of the exergetic analysis can become a basis for innovative works focused on decreasing energy consumption of a technological node being analysed, e.g. by the use of recirculation of fluidising-drying medium.

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Joanna Skoneczna-Łuczków
Włodzimierz Ciesielczyk
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In this work, a new dual-evaporator CO2transcritical refrigeration cycle with two ejectors is proposed. In this new system, we proposed to recover the lost energy of condensation coming off the gas cooler and operate the refrigeration cycle ejector free and enhance the system performance and obtain dual-temperature refrigeration simultaneously. The effects of some key parameters on the thermodynamic performance of the modified cycle are theoretically investigated based on energetic and exergetic analysis. The simulation results for the modified cycle indicate more effective system performance improvement than the single ejector in the CO2vapor compression cycle using ejector as an expander ranging up to 46%. The exergetic analysis for this system is made. The performance characteristics of the proposed cycle show its promise in dual-evaporator refrigeration system.

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Ezzaalouni Yathreb Abdellaoui
Lakdar Kairouani Kairouani
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Basing on the first and second law of thermodynamics the fundamental trends in the Polish energy policy are analysed, including the aspects of environmental protection. The thermodynamical improvement of real processes (reduction of exergy losses) is the main way leading to an improvement of the effectivity of energy consumption. If the exergy loss is economically not justified, we have to do with an error from the viewpoint of the second law analysis. The paper contains a thermodynamical analysis of the ratio of final and primary energy, as well as the analysis of the thermo-ecological cost and index of sustainable development concerning primary energy. Analyses of thermo-ecological costs concerning electricity and centralized heat production have been also carried out. The effect of increasing the share of high-efficiency cogeneration has been analyzed, too. Attention has been paid to an improved efficiency of the transmission and distribution of electricity, which is of special importance from the viewpoint of the second law analysis. The improvement of the energy effectivity in industry was analyzed on the example of physical recuperation, being of special importance from the point of view of exergy analysis.
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Andrzej Ziębik
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Solar energy is a unique source of renewable energy due to its availability and the unlimited quantity. It has long attracted the attention of scientists who are conducting theoretical and experimental research into its use. Solar energy plays an increasingly important role in the context of energy conservation. With the rising cost of conventional energy sources and limited access to natural resources, interest in the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. In this context, environmental protection is another factor favoring the development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. With economic development, the significance of new environmentally friendly technologies is increasing. One of the most popular ways for the average household to utilize renewable energy sources is by installing photovoltaic panels. Such an installation allows the use of solar energy to generate electricity, which contributes to reducing energy costs and protecting the environment. The article presents the results of an analysis of the exergy efficiency of prosumer photovoltaic systems found in the area of northern Poland. The analysis presented was based on actual operating parameters over a certain time interval. A key aspect is the analysis of exergy, which is not distributed in renewable energy sources (RES) systems.
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Waldemar Kuczyński
Anna Borowska

  1. Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy, Racławicka 15-17, 75-620 Koszalin, Poland
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The authors present an optirrusanon method, based on the thermodynamic consideration and applied to the inlet and exhaust systems of turbocharged engine. The goal function in this method is defined as a sum of exergy irreversible losses - occurring in the whole flow path. The decision variables, optimisation parameters and, also, the constraint conditions in the discussed method are defined and determined. The validation results of specially written and unique programmes, used for flow simulations in the analysed systems, are also presented. The optimisation results, based on the discussed method and related to a specific turbocharged engine are discussed in part II.
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Krzysztof Nakonieczny
Tadeusz R. Fodemski
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The conversion of a waste heat energy to electricity is now becoming one of the key points to improve the energy efficiency in a process engineering. However, large losses of a low-temperature thermal energy are also present in power engineering. One of such sources of waste heat in power plants are exhaust gases at the outlet of boilers. Through usage of a waste heat regeneration system it is possible to attain a heat rate of approximately 200 MWth, under about 90°C, for a supercritical power block of 900 MWelfuelled by a lignite. In the article, we propose to use the waste heat to improve thermal efficiency of the Szewalski binary vapour cycle. The Szewalski binary vapour cycle provides steam as the working fluid in a high temperature part of the cycle, while another fluid – organic working fluid – as the working substance substituting conventional steam over the temperature range represented by the low pressure steam expansion. In order to define in detail the efficiency of energy conversion at various stages of the proposed cycle the exergy analysis was performed. The steam cycle for reference conditions, the Szewalski binary vapour cycle as well as the Szewalski hierarchic vapour cycle cooperating with a system of waste heat recovery have been comprised.
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Paweł Ziółkowski
Janusz Badur
Tomasz Kowalczyk
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In the paper presented is an idea of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) operating with supercritical parameters and so called dry fluids. Discussed is one of the methods of improving the effectiveness of operation of supercritical cycle by application of internal regeneration of heat through the use of additional heat exchanger. The main objective of internal regenerator is to recover heat from the vapour leaving the turbine and its transfer to the liquid phase of working fluid after the circulation pump. In effect of application of the regenerative heat exchanger it is possible to obtain improved effectiveness of operation of the power plant, however, only in the case when the ORC plant is supplied from the so called sealed heat source. In the present paper presented is the discussion of heat sources and on the base of the case study of two heat sources, namely the rate of heat of thermal oil from the boiler and the rate of heat of hot air from the cooler of the clinkier from the cement production line having the same initial temperature of 260 oC, presented is the influence of the heat source on the justification of application of internal regeneration. In the paper presented are the calculations for the supercritical ORC power plant with R365mfc as a working fluid, accomplished has been exergy changes and exergy efficiency analysis with the view to select the most appropriate parameters of operation of the power plant for given parameters of the heat source.
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Aleksandra Borsukiewicz-Gozdur
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Exergy analysis of low temperature geothermal heat plant with compressor and absorption heat pump was carried out. In these two concepts heat pumps are using geothermal water at 19.5°C with spontaneous outflow 24 m3/h as a heat source. The research compares exergy efficiency and exergy destruction of considered systems and its components as well. For the purpose of analysis, the heating system was divided into five components: geothermal heat exchanger, heat pump, heat distribution, heat exchanger and electricity production and transportation. For considered systems the primary exergy consumption from renewable and non-renewable sources was estimated. The analysis was carried out for heat network temperature at 50/40°C, and the quality regulation was assumed. The results of exergy analysis of the system with electrical and absorption heat pump show that exergy destruction during the whole heating season is lower for the system with electrical heat pump. The exergy efficiencies of total system are 12.8% and 11.2% for the system with electrical heat pump and absorption heat pump, respectively.

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Robert Sekret
Anna Nitkiewicz
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In order to analyze the cumulative exergy consumption of an integrated oxy-fuel combustion power plant the method of balance equations was applied based on the principle that the cumulative exergy consumption charging the products of this process equals the sum of cumulative exergy consumption charging the substrates. The set of balance equations of the cumulative exergy consumption bases on the ‘input-output method’ of the direct energy consumption. In the structure of the balance we distinguished main products (e.g. electricity), by-products (e.g. nitrogen) and external supplies (fuels). In the balance model of cumulative exergy consumption it has been assumed that the cumulative exergy consumption charging the supplies from outside is a quantity known a priori resulting from the analysis of cumulative exergy consumption concerning the economy of the whole country. The byproducts are charged by the cumulative exergy consumption resulting from the principle of a replaced process. The cumulative exergy consumption of the main products is the final quantity.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Ziębik
Paweł Gładysz
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Paper deals with theoretical analysis of possible efficiency increase of compression refrigeration cycles by means of application of a twophase ejector. Application of the two phase ejector in subcritical refrigeration system as a booster compressor is discussed in the paper. Results of exergy analysis of the system operating with various working fluids for various operating conditions have been shown. Analysis showed possible exergy efficiency increase of refrigeration compression cycle.

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Jarosław Karwacki
Adam Dudar
Dariusz Butrymowicz
Kamil Śmierciew
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Improvement in the exegetic efficiency of a solar air heater (SAH) can be done by enhancing the rate of heat transfer. In this work, the exergetic efficiency optimization of an artificially roughened solar air heater having an inverted L-shape rib has been performed. The numerical analysis of the exergetic performance of the solar air heater was carried out at a constant heat flux of 1000 W/m2. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of different relative roughness pitch (7.14–17.86) on the exergy losses, under the Reynolds number range of 3000 to 18 000. The roughness parameter of this geometry has been optimized and found to be among functional operating parameters like average solar intensity and temperature rise across the collector. The optimized value of relative roughness pitch is 17.86 at the isolation of 1000 W/m 2, and the parameter of temperature rise ranges from 0.005 to 0.04.
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Manmohan Chaudhari
Sohan Lal Sharma
Ajoy Debbarma

  1. Maya Institute of Technology and Management, Selaqui, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248007, India
  2. National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, 177005, India
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Oxy-fuel combustion (OFC) belongs to one of the three commonly known clean coal technologies for power generation sector and other industry sectors responsible for CO2emissions (e.g., steel or cement production). The OFC capture technology is based on using high-purity oxygen in the combustion process instead of atmospheric air. Therefore flue gases have a high concentration of CO2- Due to the limited adiabatic temperature of combustion some part of CO2must be recycled to the boiler in order to maintain a proper flame temperature. An integrated oxy-fuel combustion power plant constitutes a system consisting of the following technological modules: boiler, steam cycle, air separation unit, cooling water and water treatment system, flue gas quality control system and CO2processing unit. Due to the interconnections between technological modules, energy, exergy and ecological analyses require a system approach. The paper present the system approach based on the 'input-output' method to the analysis of the: direct energy and material consumption, cumulative energy and exergy consumption, system (local and cumulative) exergy losses, and thermoecological cost. Other measures like cumulative degree of perfection or index of sustainable development are also proposed. The paper presents a complex example of the system analysis (from direct energy consumption to thermoecological cost) of an advanced integrated OFC power plant.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Ziębik
Paweł Gładysz
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This paper describes the simulation, exergy analysis and comparison of two commonly applied liquefaction of technologies natural gas, namely: propane precooled mixed refrigerant process (C3MR) and dual mixed refrigerant process (DMR) alongside two modifications of each employing end flash systems. The C3MR and DMR process schemes were simulated using the commercial software to mathematically model chemical processes. These schemes were then analysed using energy and exergy calculations to determine their performances. The exergy efficiency for the C3MR processes without end flash system, with simple end flash system and extended end flash system were evaluated as 29%, 31%, and 33%, respectively, while the exergy efficiency for the DMR processes without end flash system, with simple end flash system, and extended end flash system were evaluated as 26%, 25.5%, and 30%, respectively. The results achieved show that the extended end flash system versions of the schemes are most efficient. Furthermore, the exergy analysis depicted that the major equipment that must be enhanced in order to improve the cycle exergy efficiencies are the compressors, heat exchangers, and coolers.

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Oluwagbemisola Akinsipe
Ambrose Anozie
Damilola Babatunde
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For economic growth of nation, the energy plays an important role. The excessive use of fossil fuels results the increase in global warming and depleting the resources. Due to this reason, the renewable energy sources are creating more attraction for researchers. In renewable energy sector, solar energy is the most abundant and clean source of energy. In solar thermal systems, solar air heater (SAH) is the main system which is used for heating of air. As it is simple in construction and cheaper in cost, it is of main interest for the researchers. The concept of first law and second law of thermodynamics is used for the study of the energy and exergy analysis respectively. The energy analysis is of great importance for the study of process effectiveness while the exergetic analysis is another significant concept to examine the actual behavior of process involving various energy losses and internal irreversibility. For efficient utilization of solar energy, the exergy analysis is very important tool for optimal design of solar air heaters. The aim of the present work is to review the works related to energy and exergy analysis of various types of solar air heaters and to find out the research gap for future work.

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Harish Kumar Ghritlahre
Piyush Kumar Sahu
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The application of waste heat from exhaust gas of ship’s main engines has become widely practiced as early as in the 1930s. Thus the increase of ship’s overall efficiency was improved. Nowadays all newly built ships of the 400 gross tonnage and above must have specified energy efficiency design index, which is a measure for CO2 emissions of the ship and its impact on the environment. Therefore, the design of waste heat recovery systems requires special attention. The use of these systems is one of the basic ways to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve the ship’s energy efficiency. The paper describes the ship’s heating systems designed for the use of waste heat contained in the exhaust gas of self-ignition engines, in which the heat carriers are respectively water vapor, water or thermal oil. Selected results of comparative exergy analysis of simplified steam, water and oil heating systems have been presented. The results indicate that the oil heating system is comparable to the water system in terms of internal exergy losses. However, larger losses of exergy occur in the case of a steam system. In the steam system, a significant loss is caused by the need to cool the condensate to avoid cavitation in boiler feed pumps. This loss can in many cases cause the negative heat balance of ship during sea voyage while using only the exhaust gas boilers.

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Wojciech Zeńczak

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