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Land surveying is one of the elements of the execution of construction works. These include, among others, the establishment of a horizontal and vertical geodetic control network, an inventory of the existing area, development of a road project and setting out the location of the road in the area. In order to avoid mistakes, construction works should be controlled as part of surveying works during the implementation of a given project. The article attempts to identify and quantify risk factors occurring during surveying at the stage of preparing data from a detailed design. Two proprietary methods have been presented to calculate both the probability value and the consequences of individual risk factors. The advantage of the presented analyzes is the fact that the acquired validity hierarchy of risk factors, expressed in numerical values, can be explained in a scientific way, rather than referring only to possessed knowledge, experience and intuition.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dariusz Skorupka
Artur Duchaczek
Magdalena Kowacka
Paweł Zagrodnik

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