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This paper proves that the trend of development of modern transport in the world is to maximize the level of providing the personal use of electric vehicles. This mechanism would also partially solve the environmental problems of mankind. To implement this idea, some global automakers have announced the decision of the full transition of production to electric vehicles. At the same time, for effective functioning of the electric-vehicle market, adequate infrastructure needs to be created. There is a positive trend in the annual growth of the charging-station network in developed countries, that characterizes the charging-station market as dynamic and promising, but mostly chaotic and imbalanced at the regional level.
The main hypothesis of the research is about the independence between the level of electric-vehicle market development and networks of charging stations. The object of the study is the Washington (USA) electric-vehicle market, as it is the market segment with the highest development characteristics.
To test the hypothesis, the authors provided a multifactor analysis of the local electric-vehicle market and the existing charging infrastructure. A comprehensive analysis of the electric-vehicle market and the charging-station network in Washington (USA) was performed, and the market characteristics were defined accordingly: the degree of electric-vehicle spread in the regional localities; the level of charging-station-network coverage and concentration; the ratio of electric vehicles to charging stations.
Authors identified the tendency of the state location to innovations connected with electric vehicles. Clusterization and recommendations according to the level of development of the electric-vehicle market aimed to balance and grow the total electric-vehicle market and connected infrastructure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Yakushev
Daniil Hulak
Oksana Zakharova
Yuliia Kovalenko
Oksana Yakusheva
Olesandr Chernyshov

  1. Social Security Department, Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine
  2. Department of Economics and Management, Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine
  3. Management and Financial & Economic Security Department, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine
  4. Department of Management of Non-Productive Sphere, Donetsk State University of Management, Ukraine
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In the article, mathematical modeling methods are used to study the main trends and macroeconomic determinants of the electric car market development in 2011–2018 on the example of the US. The determinants include economic (GDP), socio-economic (household income), energy (electricity use), and environmental (СО2 emissions) factors. The authors justify the role of electric transport in strengthening national energy security due to the transition to renewable energy technologies and the reduction of fossil fuel use. Based on the constructed linear regression equations, a weak relationship has been revealed between the number of electric vehicles sold and the environmental factor, which can be explained by the small share of electric cars in the US market. The formed multifactor linear model showed a positive impact of both the country’s GDP growth and electricity consumption increase on the number of electric vehicles sold. However, the rise in household incomes negatively influences market development due to insufficient consumer awareness of the electric transport operation benefits, an underdeveloped network of electric vehicle charging stations, etc. Based on the obtained multifactor model, the authors have built optimistic, optimal and pessimistic scenarios for the US electric vehicle market deployment for the next five years. In order to implement the most favorable scenarios, recommendations for market development factors’ management have been made. The results of the study can be used to improve public policy in the US transport and energy sectors, as well as in other countries to optimize the fuel and energy balance, strengthen the energy independence of states by developing clean transport and adapting the model to national specifics.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Sotnyk
Daniil Hulak
Oleksandr Yakushev
Oksana Yakusheva
Olha V. Prokopenko
Andrii Yevdokymov

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