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Krytycyzm, który pojawił się w nowożytnej filozofii, w istotnym stopniu różnił się od swoich starożytnych i średniowiecznych odpowiedników. Celem rozważań jest prezentacja wskazanych w tytule form krytycyzmu Kartezjusza, Hume’a i Kanta, połączona z wykazaniem, że wszystkie one artykułowane były w opozycji do dwóch głównych teoretycznych adwersarzy, tj. dogmatyzmu oraz sceptycyzmu.
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Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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In these remarks I recall such views which pretended to be scientific or at least rational enough to give some acceptable arguments to support them. One of such notions is made by epicureic physicalism and the so called scientific racism. Not all assumptions of those notions or the conclusions drawn from them may be included in the pseudoscientific and irrational sphere. At least some of them may be said that they had made a testimony of science and rationality „designed” for the context of their times and when this time passed they still remain in social circulation it is worth to look how they present themselves today and what arguments speak for their prevailing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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In the first part of these remarks I recall such examples from the past of the mentioned political agenda that might be a sort of warning for a too far reaching overtaking of higher education institutions by political powers. In the second part, however, I recall contemporary ways and forms of political agenda, which I call “velvet” revolutions and I also see them as threat to fulfill by universities their social missions. The remarks and evaluations formulated by me at the end are certainly not to be considered. These remarks are being treated by me as a voice in the discussion on the issue how much politics might be or has to be in the life of universities, what kind of politics do any good to them and what kind brings more damage.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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The subject of many controversies has been both the understanding of the limits of scientific knowledge and the indication of the “boundary” conditions of orders placed for it. In some cases, we are in favor of widening these boundaries in such a way that they can also include religious and quasi-religious beliefs, while in others we are in favor of narrowing them so that knowledge and faith can be clearly distinguished. In these considerations, I cite examples of positions on both issues that have in the past met with both relatively wide acceptance and serious reservations. It is worth taking a closer look at them, because it turns out that in science nothing is decided once and for all, and what seemed to belong to the past sometimes comes back with even greater force. I show this on two examples of contemporary positions on the issue of understanding the limits of scientific knowledge.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytetim. Adama Mickiewicza
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These remarks are to be considered as a voice in the discussion not only on the historical role of the Catholic Church in culture but also on mistakes committed by its Magisterium of the Catholic Church such as absolutism, globalism, and intolerance. Certainly it can be called otherwise. The key issue is however at how we call it but if we consider it as major mistakes and if yes if we seek for such an explanation that will actually is an excuse. This is the case in the example of often recalled in these remarks “The history of the Catholic Church” by Marian Banaszak. I do represent another view than this author. Also not just than Banaszak himself but other authors as well who blame for the failures of Catholicism (including the decline of its decisive social role) all those but not the ones who make the key decisions within the Church.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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In these remarks I make the attempt to draw a picture of the tradition, as well the modern forms of panpsychism, parapsychology and psychoanalysis. What connects these notions is situating those notions either outside the disciplines or at least on the edge of them. The problem is not just the fact that they did experienced various transformations and some of them did get closer to the criteria of being scientific. And on other occasions they distanced themselves from those criteria. Another issue is the fact that these criteria also changed what was considered scientific in one period, in another was perceived as pseudoscience, quasiscience or even parascientific. It had and still has to this day an important influence on what is often higher regarded in social terms. ie. pseudo- and quasiscientific theories rather than real science.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
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One of the more sensitive and touchy fields in which a confrontation occurs of significantly different visions of reality is being made by the understanding and representing of heaven. In those remarks I recall the standpoint of Catholic theologians and some of the selected scholars representing natural sciences. However, even such selective comparison shows how great the differences are between the visions of heaven sketched by the theologians and those by the natural scientists. Although they were and still are tray representatives of natural sciences, who had found and still find even if not linking points connecting those radically different views of heaven, than at least some sort of compromise in acknowledging their validity. On the other hand even them admit that it requires the use of significantly different standards of validity in theology and natural sciences.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In these remarks I do undertake one more time the attempt to answer the following question: what do agnostics really want? This issue is so complicated that even the agnostics themselves had great trouble in delivering the answer. This is also related to these agnostics, such as the recalled here Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Stephen W. Hawking, who belong to the greatest format of scholars. The agnostics are being distanced from, both the atheists and theists. However they do judge differently their views it is important that as well the first as the latter ones may appreciate what stands behind agnosticism and this might be very variable.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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In these considerations, I undertake a polemic with thinking based on the assumption that the value of scientific achievements can be measured with almost mathematical accuracy and give fully reliable point indicators for them. It is not only part of those who introduce the current reform of higher education and science in Poland, but also experts who support them, as well as some representatives of science and natural sciences. This thinking was called point syndrome and expert syndrome. Although it was diagnosed as a manifestation of academic disease a few years ago, it still not only finds its supporters, but also translates into activities, which in some scholars cause astonishment, in others indignation, and still strong opposition in others.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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The academic community was and still is a community of scholars taking various positions. Problematic was and still is the changing of ways we set these positions in both, in relation to a long lasting academic tradition and in a much shorter period of academic activity of particular scholars. Some of these ways did show in a greater extent its own usability and some in lesser. In these remarks I make the attempt to point out those who did work out well and in some way still do and which ones should be history by now. However it is not all. Relatively recently ways of positioning of scholars occurred that are in some perspectives innovative and widely applied (also in Poland). Nevertheless they do have in the academic millieu its followers and radical opponents. The bibliometric positioning of scholars is one of those ways.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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In these remarks I make an attempt to understand and present the functioning of authorities in science. I do use in the first place the earlier claims which present this issue in a historical perspective. This allows to grasp the social process of emergence of the authorities as well the changing of their position in the way they are functioning. Especially the thoughts of Max Weber are being considered by my as useful in this matter. I do share his general thesis saying that even the greatest of scientific authorities – called by me in these remarks ”centennial” – couldn't occur and function without their social and cultural ”background”. This had led in large extent to the situation where these authorities fist played a significant role in the development of science and then went over to a more or less dignified ”retirement”. In this and other issues I present some of my own remarks and sugestions.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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The issue in the title is known and is being analyzed for a long time, however its

complexity makes the setting of both – the future of it and contemporary form

– emerge a lot of questions marks. I do not intend to leave most of them aside.

I do make an attempt however to present its complexity and as well the importance

in the reflextion upon life and activity of scholars. In these remarks I do

recall several ways of presenting it and do make an attempt to stress out those

of research possibilities which may lead to interesting outcomes. In the end part

of the remakrs I do present some of them. I treat this step as an invitation to

further discussion on the sensibility and anger of scholars.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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How we speak of and write about stands, or at least it should stand, in relation what we speak of and write. If such a relation does not exist, or it is little visible for the people involved in the written or spoken message there might occur and often they do important doubts by the latter on its intention or even the assumption of bad intention. However, the existence of a clear dissonance between how we speak and write and what we speak of and write about tends many of these people addressed to perceive it as someone who breaks the norms prevailing in such speaking and writing. Those situations took place and still do often when we speak of and write about religion and religiosity without a sort of deliberation that is linked to seriousness and pompousness or even exaltation. In these remarks I do recall examples of such speaking on one side presented by libertines like M. Montaigne and Voltaire, and on the other by theologisans like St. Augustine. M. Luther and J. Tischner.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz
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In these remarks I recall the attempts of pointing out the relations between philosophy and modernity in sciences in three distinctively differing point of view, that is the achievements of “the Enlightened Age” (in the sense of Ernst Cassirer), phenomenological philosophy (in the sense of Edmund Husserl) and the classicist conservatism (in the sense of Allan Bloom). In each of these cases an importance of those relations is being acknowledged. However it is not just differently evaluated and justified, but also the diagnoses and forecasts related to it look differently either.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Drozdowicz

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