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In this review, research carried out on sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SESMR) process is presented and discussed. The reactor types employed to carry out this process, fixed packed bed and fluidized bed reactors, are characterized as well as their main operating conditions indicated. Also the concepts developed and investigations performed by the main research groups involved in the subject are summarized. Next the catalysts and CO2 sorbents developed to carry out SE-SMR are characterized and the relationships describing the reaction and sorption kinetics are collected. A general approach to model the process is presented as well as results obtained for a calculation example, which demonstrate the main properties of SE-SMR.

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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga
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Activation of tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) can significantly increase its market value. To date, it has been frequently carried out in different reactors. In this work, thermogravimetric analysis was used instead. The performance of activated pyrolysis chars was tested by adsorption of acetone vapour and comparison of the equilibrium adsorption capacities for all samples. The highest equilibrium adsorption capacity was observed for the carbon burn-off of  60%. In addition, the equilibrium adsorption capacity of activated TPC decreases by about 10% after eleven adsorption/desorption cycles. Moreover, activation changed the porous structure of pyrolysis chars from mesoporous to micro-mesoporous.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga
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This paper presents a systematic thermogravimetric (TG) study on the kinetics of end-of-life tyre (ELT) pyrolysis. In the experimental part of this work, TG results are compared for tyre samples of different mass and size. This shows that the conduction resistance in the milligram scale (up to ~100 mg) tyre sample can be neglected. A comparison of experimental results demonstrates that the characteristic maxima on the DTG curve (the first derivative of TG signal) shift towards higher temperatures for higher heating rates. This phenomenon is explained to have kinetic origin and it is not caused by the internal heat transfer resistance. In the modelling part of this work, the kinetic parameters of the Three-Component Simulation Model (TCSM) are calculated and compared to the literature values. Testing of the kinetic model is carried out using experiments with a varying heating rate. This shows the limitation of the simplified kinetic approach and the appropriate selection method of the kinetic parameters.

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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga
Krzysztof Wróblewski
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These studies were carried out within the framework of the European FuelSOME Project (No. 101069828), which focuses on establishing a multi-fuel energy generation system based on utilization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) and is dedicated mainly to the long-distance maritime shipping. For the SOFC stacks, the removal of sulphur contaminations from fuels is crucial as the content of sulphur compounds is strictly limited, even to dozens of mol ppb. The modelling and calculations were performed for a selected testing system of deep adsorptive purification of methanol to remove dibenzothiophene (DBT) on activated carbon (AC), where DBT was taken as a representative of compounds contaminating sulphur. An appropriate model of the adsorption column packed with activated carbon pellets was elaborated as a basis for process simulations and further techno-economic considerations. The research focused on modelling sulphur removal to achieve the required purity of methanol, then on cost analysis to optimize the proposed purification process. At the current stage, the aim of the performed studies was a preliminary check of a possibility of successfully performing deep adsorptive desulphurisation of methanol and an estimation of purification costs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Eugeniusz Molga
Robert Cherbański
Andrzej I. Stankiewicz
Michał Lewak

  1. Chemical and Process Engineering Department, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Waryńskiego 1, 00-645 Warszawa, Poland
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There is general agreement that primary pyrolysis products of end-of-life tyres should be valorised to improve the economics of pyrolysis. In this work, tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) is produced in a pyrolysis pilot plant designed and built at our home university. The produced TPC was upgraded to tyre-derived activated carbon (TDAC) by activation with CO2, and then characterised using stereological analysis (SA) and nitrogen adsorption at 77 K. SA showed that the grains of TPC and TDAC were quasi- spherical and slightly elongated with a 25% increase in the mean particle cross-section surface area for TDAC. The textural properties of TDAC demonstrated the BET and micropore surface areas of 259 and 70 m2/g, respectively. Micropore volume and micropore surface area were 5.8 and 6.7 times higher for TDAC than TPC at  2 nm, respectively. The n-hexane adsorption was investigated using experiments and modelling. Eight adsorption isotherms along with three error functions were tested to model the adsorption equilibrium. The optimum sets of isotherm parameters were chosen by comparing sum of the normalized errors. The analysis indicated that the Freundlich isotherm gave the best agreement with the equilibrium experiments. In relation to different activated carbons, the adsorption capacity of TDAC for n-hexane is about 16.2 times higher than that of the worst reference material and 4.3 times lower than that of the best reference material. In addition, stereological analysis showed that activation with CO2 did not change the grain’s shape factors. However, a 25% increase in the mean particle cross-section surface area for TDAC was observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga
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This work investigates adsorption of n-hexane on activated tyre pyrolysis char (ATPC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) as a reference material in a fixed-bed column. Microwave-assisted regeneration is also considered. The adsorbed amount of n-hexane on ATPC is in the range of 37–58 mg/g. Microwave-assisted desorption of ATPC samples enables the recovery of up to 95% of adsorbed n-hexane in this non-optimized microwave setup with the efficiency of microwave energy conversion into heat of only 5–6%. For the 50% breakthrough time, ATPC and GAC are able to purify the n-hexane gas volumes in the ranges of 20–90 and 935–1240 cm3/g, respectively. While adsorption kinetics is not satisfactorily described by pseudo-first and pseudo-second order kinetic models, it is very well reflected by a family of dynamic adsorption models, which are modelled with a single logistic function. Internal diffusion is likely the rate limiting step during adsorption on ATPC, while external and internal diffusion likely plays a role in adsorption to GAC. Although microwave-assisted regeneration is performed in a general purpose microwave reactor, both adsorbents show excellent performance and are very good candidates for the adsorption process. Preliminary results show that magnetite can further reduce microwave energy consumption.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga

  1. Chemical and Process Engineering Department, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warszawa, Poland
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This paper presents the results of investigations into dry methane reforming (DMR). The process was aimed at obtaining synthesis gas required for the production of dimethyl ether (DME). The effect of temperature, pressure and inlet gas composition on the process was determined in the experimental part of this work. The tests were carried out in a laboratory tubular reactor over a Ni/CaO–Al2O3 catalyst. The obtained experimental results were used to verify literature kinetic data and to develop a mathematical model of the DMR process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Cherbański
Ewelina Franczyk
Michał Lewak
Piotr Machniewski
Eugeniusz Molga

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, ul. Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute, Al. Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 13a, 24-110 Puławy, Poland
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The ethanol fire hazards will become more frequent due to the new established targets for the consumption of renewable energy sources. With this in mind, this paper aims to widen the current knowledge on CFD modelling of such a fire. As previous works rely heavily on the data of small pool fire diameters (below 1 m), this research deals with ethanol pool fire on a one-meter test tray, using our own experimental data. A mathematical model was developed and solved using a commercial CFD package (ANSYS Fluent). A new hybrid RANS-LES (SBES) model was employed to calculate turbulent stresses. Generally, the simulation results showed a good fit with the experimental results for flame temperatures at different elevations. In particular, a minor discrepancy was only observed for the top thermocouple (1.9 m above the tray). The flame heights computed with the CFD model were on average higher than the experimental one. Good agreement was observed for the radiative fraction and the axial temperature profile on the plume centreline. The latter showed an almost perfect fit between the temperature profiles obtained from CFD simulations and those calculated from the plume law for temperature.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Cherbański
Leszek Rudniak
Piotr Machniewski
Eugeniusz Molga
Jarosław Tępiński
Wojciech Klapsa
Piotr Lesiak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, ul. Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection of the National Research Institute, ul. Nadwislanska 213, 05-420 Józefów, Poland
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Three activated chars obtained from end-of-life tyre pyrolysis differing in activation time (AC110 – 110 min, AC130 – 130 min, and AC150 – 150 min) were successfully used as adsorbents for the removal of model dye – Rhodamine B (RhB) from aqueous solutions. The effects of solution pH, adsorption kinetics, and equilibrium adsorption were investigated. The results showed that the adsorption was strongly pH-dependent; the highest percentage of RhB dye adsorbed was obtained at pH 2.0 and the removal efficiency decreased with an increase in solution pH. Adsorption kinetics was analyzed using pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Weber-Morris, and Boyd kinetic models. It was found that the pseudo-second-order kinetic equation was the most appropriate for describing the adsorption kinetics and that the RhB adsorption process was controlled by a film diffusion mechanism. Adsorption equilibrium data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Elovich isotherm models. The equilibrium data were best represented by the Langmuir model with the monolayer adsorption capacities of 69.96, 94.34, and 133.3 μmol/g for AC110, AC130, and AC150, respectively. It was concluded that the adsorption of RhB was closely correlated with the specific surface area (and activation time) of the activated chars.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Kuśmierek
Andrzej Świątkowski
Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry, ul. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, ul. Waryńskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
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This paper aims to show the effect of activation method of tyre pyrolysis char (TPC) on adsorption of bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous solutions. The TPC was produced from end-of-life-tyres (ELT) feedstock in a pilot plant at 773 K. Activation was accomplished using two classical methods: physical activation withCO2 and chemical activation withKOH. The two produced adsorbents had pores ranging from micro- to macropores. Distinct differences in the BET surface areas and pore volumes between the adsorbents were displayed showing better performance of the chemically activated adsorbent for adsorption of BPA from water.

The results of the kinetic studies showed that the adsorption of BPA followed pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The Freundlich, Langmuir, Langmuir–Freundlich and Redlich–Peterson isotherm equations were used for description of the adsorption data. The Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm model best fits the experimental data for the BPA adsorption on both adsorbents. The Langmuir–Freundlich monolayer adsorption capacity, qmLF, obtained for the CO2-activated tyre pyrolysis char (AP-CO2) and KOH-activated tyre pyrolysis char (AP-KOH) were 0.473 and 0.969 mmol g��1, respectively.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Kuśmierek
Andrzej Świątkowski
Tomasz Kotkowski
Robert Cherbański
Eugeniusz Molga

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