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Manganese is an effective element used for the modification of needle intermetallic phases in Al-Si alloy. These particles seriously

degrade mechanical characteristics of the alloy and promote the formation of porosity. By adding manganese the particles are being

excluded in more compact shape of “Chinese script” or skeletal form, which are less initiative to cracks as Al5FeSi phase. In the present

article, AlSi7Mg0.3 aluminium foundry alloy with several manganese content were studied. The alloy was controlled pollution for achieve

higher iron content (about 0.7 wt. % Fe). The manganese were added in amount of 0.2 wt. %, 0.6 wt. %, 1.0 wt. % and 1.4 wt. %. The

influence of the alloying element on the process of crystallization of intermetallic phases were compared to microstructural observations.

The results indicate that increasing manganese content (> 0.2 wt. % Mn) lead to increase the temperature of solidification iron rich phase

(TAl5FeSi) and reduction this particles. The temperature of nucleation Al-Si eutectic increase with higher manganese content also. At

adding 1.4 wt. % Mn grain refinement and skeleton particles were observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Podprocká
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Secondary or multiple remelted alloys are common materials used in foundries. For secondary (recycled) Al-Si-Cu alloys, the major problem is the increased iron presence. Iron is the most common impurity and with presence of other elements in alloy creates the intermetallic compounds, which may negatively affect the structure. The paper deals with effect of multiple remelting on the microstructure of the AlS9iCu3 alloy with increased iron content to about 1.4 wt. %. The evaluation of the microstructure is focused on the morphology of iron-base intermetallic phases in caste state, after the heat treatment (T5) and after natural aging. The occurrence of the sludge phases was also observed. From the obtained results can be concluded that the multiple remelting leads to change of chemical composition, changes in the final microstructure and also increases sludge phases formation. The use of heat treatment T5 led to a positive change of microstructure, while the effect of natural aging is beneficial only to the 3rd remelting.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Matejka
D. Bolibruchová
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Liquid AI -Si alloys are usually given special treatments before they are cast to obtain finer or modified matrix and eutectic structures, leading to improved proper ties. For many years, sodium additions to hypoeutectic and eutectic AI -Si melts have been recognized as the most effective method of modifying the eutectic morphology, although most of the group IA or IIA elements have significant effects on the eutectic s tructure. Unfortunately, many of these approaches also have associated several founding difficulties, such as fading, forming dross in presence of certain alloying elements, reduced fluidity, etc. ln recent years, antimony additions to AI -Si castings have attracted considerable attention as an alternative method of refining the eutectic structure. Such additions eliminate many of the difficulties listed above and provide permanent (i.e. non -fading) refining ability. In this paper, the authors summarize work on antimony treatment of Al -Si based alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
M. Brůna
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This paper deals with influence of chrome addition and heat treatment on segregation of iron based phases in the secondary alloy

AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by chrome and heat treatment. Iron is the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and

has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic

phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard operations, but it is possible to eliminate its negative influence by addition

some other elements that affect the segregation of intermetallics in less harmful type or by heat treatment. Realization of experiments and

results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation with higher iron content and influence of

chrome as iron corrector of iron based phases.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
L. Richtárech
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Presence of iron in Al-Si cast alloys is common problem mainly in secondary (recycled) aluminium alloys. Better understanding of iron

influence in this kind of alloys can lead to reduction of final castings cost. Presented article deals with examination of detrimental iron

effect in AlSi10MgMn cast alloy. Microstructural analysis and ultimate tensile strength testing were used to consider influence of iron to

microstructure and mechanical properties of selected alloy

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Žihalová
D. Bolibruchová
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This paper deals with influence on segregation of iron based phases on the secondary alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by chrome. Iron is

the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In

generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard operations, but it is

possible to eliminate its negative influence by addition some other elements that affect the segregation of intermetallics in less harmful

type. Realization of experiments and results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation with

higher iron content and influence of chrome as iron corrector of iron based phases. By experimental work were used three different

amounts of AlCr20 master alloy a three different temperature of chill mold. Our experimental work confirmed that chrome can be used as

an iron corrector in Al-Si alloy, due to the change of intermetallic phases and shortening their length.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
L. Richtárech
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Iron is presented as an impurity in Al-Si alloys and occurs in the form of the β-Al5FeSi phase formations. The presence of iron and other elements in the alloy causes the formation of large intermetallic phases. Due to the high brittleness of this phase, it reduces the mechanical properties and increases the porosity. Manganese is used to inhibit the formation of this detrimental phase. It changes the morphology of the phase to polyhedral crystals, skeletal formations, or Chinese script. The present article deals with the influence of various amounts of manganese (0.1; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6 wt. %) on the formation of iron-based intermetallic phases in the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy with different levels of iron content (0.4; 0.8, 1.2 wt. %). The increase of iron content in each alloy caused the creation of more intermetallic compounds and this effect has been more significant with higher concentrations of manganese. In alloys where the amount of 1.2 wt. % iron is present, the shape of eutectic silicon grain changes from angular to short needle type.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Podprocká
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This article deal with non-conventional methods to affect the crystallization of Al-alloys by the application of electromagnetic field. The application of electromagnetic field is not technically complicated, it does not require mechanical contact with the melt, and the scale of the crystallization influence is not dependent on the thickness of the casting. Two experimental materials were used: AlSi10MgMn and AlSi8Cu2Mn and two values of electromagnetic induction: B = 0.1 T a B = 0.2 T. The best results for alloy AlSi10MgMn were achieved by application of electromagnetic field with induction B = 0.2 T; during this experiment the best mechanical properties were achieved - the biggest increase of mechanical properties was recorded. The best results for alloy AlSi8Cu2Mn were achieved by combination of electromagnetic field with induction B = 0.1 T and modification by 0.05 wt. % Sr. In this case we don´t recommend to use electromagnetic field with induction B = 0.2 T; because of deposition of coarse grains and decreasing of mechanical properties.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
M. Brůna
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The paper deals with the problem of multiple remelting influence on AlSi6Cu4 alloy modified by antimony on chosen mechanical characteristics, microstructure and gas content. This foundry alloy is used mostly in automotive industry. Foundry Aluminum-Silicon alloys are also used in number of industrial weight sensitive applications because of their low weight and very good castability and good mechanical properties. Modifiers are usually added to molten aluminum-silicon alloys to refine the eutectic phase particle shape and improve the mechanical properties of the final cast products and Al-Si alloys cast properties.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Medlen
D. Bolibruchová
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This article focuses on the study of the influence of remelting and subsequent natural and artificial ageing on the structure of recycled AlSi9Cu3 alloy with increased iron content. The assessed changes in eutectic silicon and iron-based intermetallic phases were carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The degradation of the eutectic silicon morphology due to remelting occurred only at the highest numbers of remelting. The effect of remelting the investigated alloy, which is accompanied by a gradual increase in wt. % Fe, began to manifest significantly through a change in the length of the ferric phases after the fourth remelting. As expected, the artificial ageing process has proven to be more effective than natural ageing. It has led to a change in the eutectic silicon morphology and has been beneficial in reducing the lengths of adverse ferric phases. The use of alloys with higher numbers of remelting, or with greater “contamination”, for the manufacture of shape-challenging castings is possible when using a suitable method of eliminating the negative factors of the remelting process. The results of our investigation show a suitable method of the above elimination the application of heat treatment T5 – via artificial ageing.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Matejka
D. Bolibruchová
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The paper deals with influence of multiple remelting on AlSi9Cu3 alloy with higher iron content on chosen mechanical properties. Multiple remelting may in various ways influence mechanical, foundry properties, gas saturation, shrinkage cavity, fluidity etc. of alloy. Higher presence of iron in Al-Si cast alloys is common problem mainly in secondary (recycled) aluminium alloys. In Al-Si alloy the iron is the most common impurity and with presence of other elements in alloy creates the intermetallic compounds, which decreases mechanical properties. Iron in the used alloy was increased to about 1.4 wt. %, so that the influence of increased iron content can be investigated. In the paper, the effect of multiple remelting is evaluated with respect to the resulting mechanical properties in cast state, after the heat treatment (T5) and after natural aging. From the obtained results it can be concluded that the multiple remelting leads to change of chemical composition and affect the mechanical properties.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Matejka
D. Bolibruchová
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This article deals with the effect of manganese that is the most applied element to eliminate the negative effect of iron in the investigated alloy AlSi7Mg0.3. In this time are several methods that are used for elimination harmful effect of iron. The most used method is elimination by applying the additive elements, so-called iron correctors. The influence of manganese on the morphology of excluded ironbased intermetallic phases was analysed at various iron contents (0.4; 0.8 and 1.2 wt. %). The effect of manganese was assessed in additions of 0.1; 0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 wt. % Mn. The morphology of iron intermetallic phases was assessed using electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX analysis. The increase of iron content in investigated alloys caused the formation of more intermetallic phases and this effect has been more significant with higher concentrations of manganese. The measurements carried out also showed that alloys with the same Mn/Fe ratio can manifest different structures and characteristics of excluded iron-based intermetallic phases, which might, at the same time, be related to different resulting mechanical properties.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchova
R. Podprocká
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This work is dealing with the impact of molybdenum on the structure properties of commercial cast AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy. The solidification path of AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy with various content of molybdenum has been investigated using cooling curve techniques. The samples for testing have been poured into permanent steel mold. The content of molybdenum has been varied from 0 to 0.20 wt. %.The desired chemical composition was achieved by adding of master alloy AlMo10 into commercial AlSi10Mg(Cu) alloy. The micro hardness of as cast alloys with different content of molybdenum has been measured. The microstructure and EDX analysis from the casted samples has been carried out. The results show that molybdenum in commercial AlSi10Cu(Mg) alloy precipitate in the interdendritic region isolated in the form of Al(FeMnMoMg)Si rich intermetallic. The increased content of molybdenum increase slightly liquidus temperature, prolonging precipitation of the last eutectic and surprisingly decrease the micro hardness of commercial alloy for approximately 16 %.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Hajduch
D. Bolibruchová
M. Djurdjevic
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The paper deals with squeeze casting technology. For this research a direct squeeze casting method has been chosen. As an experimental material, the AlSi12 and AlSi7Mg0.3 alloys were used. The influence of process parameters variation (pouring temperature, mold temperature) on mechanical properties and structure will be observed. For the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy, a pressure of 30 MPa was used and for the AlSi12 alloy 50 MPa. The thicknesses of the individual walls were selected based on the use of preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers (STN ISO 17) with the sequence of 3.15 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6.3 mm and 8 mm. The width of each wall was 22 mm and length 100 mm. The mechanical properties (Rm, A5) for individual casting parameters and their individual areas of different thicknesses were evaluated. For the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy, the percentage increase of the tensile strength was up to 37% and the elongation by 400% (at the 8 mm thickness of the casting). For the AlSi12 alloy, the strength increased from 8 to 20% and the tensile strength increased from 5 to 85%. The minimum thickness of the wall to influence the casting properties by pressure was set to 5 mm (based on the used casting parameters). Due to the effect of the pressure during crystallization, a considerable refinement and uniformity of the casting structure occured, also a reduction in the size of the eutectic silicate-eliminated needles was observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Pastirčák
M. Brůna
D. Bolibruchová
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In Al-Si alloy the iron is the most common impurity and with presence of other elements in alloy creates the intermetallic compounds,

which decreases mechanical properties and increases of porosity. The cause of the negative effect of intermetallic particles on the

mechanical properties is that it is more easily break off the tension load as the aluminium matrix or small particles of silicon. By adding

suitable alloying elements, also known as iron correctors, is possible to reduce this harmful effect.

In the article is evaluated influence of manganese on microstructure with performed EDX analysis selected intermetallic phases and tensile

test and measurement of length of Al5FeSi phase. For realization experiments was used AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy with increased iron content.

Manganese was added in the amount 0.3 wt. %, 0.6 wt. %, 0.8 wt.% and 1,2 wt. %. From performed measurements it has been concluded,

that increased amount of manganese, i.e. Mn/Fe ratio, does not have significant influence on mechanical properties AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy in

the melted state.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Podprocká
M. Chalupová
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Pouring of liquid aluminium is typically accompanied by disturbance of the free surface. During these disturbances, the free surface oxide

films can be entrained in the bulk of liquid, also pockets of air can be accidentally trapped in this oxide films. The resultant scattering of

porosity in castings seems nearly always to originate from the pockets of entrained air in oxide films. Latest version of ProCast software

allows to identify the amount of oxides formed at the free surface and where they are most likely to end-up in casts. During a filling

calculation, ProCast can calculate different indicators which allow to better quantify the filling pattern. The fluid front tracking indicator “

Free surface time exposure” has the units [cm2*s]. At each point of the free surface, the free surface area is multiplied by the time. This

value is cumulated with the value of the previous timestep. In addition, this value is transported with the free surface and with the fluid

flow.Experiments to validate this new functions were executed.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Pastirčák
M. Brůna
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The paper deals with the impact of technological parameters on the heat transfer coefficient and microstructure in AlSi12 alloy using

squeeze casting technology. The casting with crystallization under pressure was used, specifically direct squeeze casting method. The goal

was to affect crystallization by pressure with a value 100 and 150 MPa. The pressure applied to the melt causes a significant increase of

the coefficient of heat transfer between the melt and the mold. There is an increase in heat flow by approximately 50% and the heat

transfer coefficient of up to 100-fold, depending on the casting conditions. The change in cooling rate influences the morphology of the

silicon particles and intermetallic phases. A change of excluded needles to a rod-shaped geometry with significantly shorter length occurs

when used gravity casting method. By using the pressure of 150 MPa during the crystallization process, in the structure can be observed an

irregular silica particles, but the size does not exceed 25 microns.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Bolibruchová
R. Pastirčák
J. Ščury
M. Brůna
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This paper deals with influence on segregation of iron based phases on the secondary alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 microstructure by nickel. Iron is

the most common and harmful impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase of casting defects. In

generally, iron is associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases. It is impossible to remove iron from melt by standard

operations. Some elements eliminates iron by changing iron intermetallic phase morphology, decreasing its extent and by improving alloy

properties. Realization of experiments and results of analysis show new view on solubility of iron based phases during melt preparation

with higher iron content and influence of nickel as iron corrector of iron based phases.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Brůna
L. Richtárech
D. Bolibruchová
J. Caiss
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The impact of small addition of zirconium in hypoeutectic commercial AlSi10MgCu alloys on their mechanical properties (hardness) in as cast and thermally treated conditions was investigated. Small addition of zirconium does not change significantly the as cast and heat-treated microstructure of investigated alloys except to reduce the SDAS and grain size of primary α-aluminium phases. Addition of zirconium up to 0.14 wt. percentage increases the hardness of investigated alloys in as cast conditions. The increase in the hardness of samples after various solid solution times can correlate very well with the formation of small needle like coherent Al3Zr particles.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Hajduch
M.B. Djurdjevic
D. Bolibruchová
Z. Simicevic

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