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This is the article about political issues in education. The aim of the text is to present the relations between politics and education. I try to find answer to question: what is the essence of politics of education? I claim that education is inherently political. Every dimension and form of educational practice are politically contested spaces. I try to show that politics in education is a very important part of democracy in education. Democracy is impossible without politics and politics is impossible without democracy. So, I focus on describing possible political areas in education. The paper presents results of these relations. I also try to convince the reader that it is possible (it is necessary) to create important, interesting thinking about education from political point of view.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Nawrocki


The article discusses the position of young researchers within the field of Polish pedagogy. The article is based on a simple survey. The main objective of the texts is to analyze fundamental problems that the group in question is faced with. The key questions referring to young Polish researchers of pedagogy cover three areas: day-to-day reality of young researchers; research funding system; prospects and visions of changes of the current situation. Also, these three areas govern the structure of the article. In the final part, I attempt to present the main conclusions of the conducted analyses.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Nawrocki

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