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Structures and characteristics ofwideband small-size phase shiftersmade with the use of single parallel stubs are presented in this paper. The stubs can be short-circuited or open-circuited on termination. Such devices arewell known, but are primarily used as components of filters ormatching circuits. The novelty, then, comes from the establishment of simple, but helpful formulae, which enable to describe the insertion phase shift and differential phase shift of a line with short and open stubs connected in parallel. These equations can be very useful for designing complex microwave multi-ports. The results of simulations and measurements of the devices, which were designed and made, are shown herein. It was also proved that the presented devices have several usable operating frequency sub-bands, and that the differential phase shift values in the higher sub-bands are greater than those in the lower operating frequency ranges. Thanks to this, the described phase shifters can be used in more than one frequency sub-band. It was stated that in the conditions under analysis, larger phase shifts can be achieved using open-circuited stubs rather than short-circuited stubs. However, the phase shifters with shorted parallel stubs can operate in a wider frequency band.

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Adam Rutkowski
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This paper presents the results of experimental testing of parameters of the flow of an agitated liquid in a stirred tank with an eccentrically positioned shaft and with a Rushton turbine. The investigations were focused on the impact of the stirrer shaft shift in relation to the stirred tank vertical axis on the agitated liquid mean velocities and the liquid turbulent velocity fluctuations, as well as on the turbulence intensity in the tank. All the experiments were carried out in a stirred tank with the inner diameter of 286 mm and a flat bottom. The adopted values of the shaft eccentricity were zero (central position) and half the tank radius. The liquid flow instantaneous velocities were measured using laser Doppler anemometry.

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Jan Talaga
Piotr Duda
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The article, based on the reports of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, presents the materials of the epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis in 2011–2018. To assess the influence of factors on the epidemic process of salmonellosis, the demographic situation, income and living conditions of the popu-lation were studied; average monthly air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation; the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microbiocenosis of patients with signs of acute intestinal infection. It was found that in Ukraine the incidence of salmonellosis is high. Outbreaks of salmonellosis are recorded. S. enteritidis is most often isolated from the clinical material of patients, carriers and human objects (p <0.05). The risk groups for salmonellosis are children (p <0.05), as well as the rural population (p <0.05). The low level of sanitary and epidemiological control at the stages of production, transportation and sale of food products, water supply contributes to the spread of salmonellosis. Natural factors have a regulating effect on the intensity of the epidemic salmonella process: a strong direct relationship is established between the incidence and air temperature and precipitation (p <0.05). Salmonella enters into a competitive or synergistic relationship with other microorganisms in the intestinal biotope. Thus, the intensity of the epidemic process of salmonellosis can be influenced not only by external (natural and social), but also by internal factors.
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1. World Health Organization. Salmonella (non-typhoidal). 20 Feb. 2017. Available from: news-room/fact-sheets/detail/salmonella-(non-typhoidal).
2. Hayden H.S., Matamouros S., Hager K.R., et al.: Genomic analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium characterizes strain diversity for recent U.S. Salmonellosis cases and identifies mutations linked to loss of fitness under nitrosative and oxidative stress. mBio. 2016; 7 (2): e00154.
3. Kulikovskiy A.: Salmonellosis: monitoring is necessary / Zhivotnovodstvo Rossii. 2016; 1: 63‒64. (Russian)
4. Henao O.L., Jones T.F., Vugia D.J., et al.: Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet): FoodNet 2015 Surveillance Report (Final Data). Emerg Infect Dis. 2015; 21 (9): 1529–1536.
5. Knegt L.V., Pires S.M., Hald T.: Attributing foodborne salmonellosis in humans to animal reservoirs in the European Union using a multi-country stochastic model. Epidemiol Infect. 2015; 143 (6): 1175‒1186.
6. Bergey’s Manual of systematic Bacteriology: 1986. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore-Hong Kong- London–Sydney. Vol. 1, 2, 3.
7. Zubkov M.N., Menshikov D.D., Gugutsidze E.N., et al.: Microbiological diagnosis of mixed anaerobic- aerobic infections in surgery. Antibiotiki i himioterapiya. 1995; 40 (2): 46‒50. (Russian)
8. World Health Organization. Salmonella (non-typhoidal). 20 Feb. 2017. Available from:
9. Malysh N., Chemych M., Zadorozhna V., Podavalenko A., Birukova S.: Diarrhea infections in North- Eastern Ukraine: evolution of epidemic process. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2020; 19 (3): 420‒426.
10. Whiley H., Ross K.: Salmonella and Eggs: From Production to Plate. J Environ Res Public Health. 2015; 12 (3): 2543‒2556.
11. He F., Zhu X.P., Zhu B.P., Ma H.L.: Study on an outbreak of food poisoning caused by Salmonella blegdam. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2011; 32 (7): 697‒699. (Chinese)
12. Malysh N.G., Chemich N.D., Zaritskiy A.M.: Incidence, predisposing risk factors for the development and spread of acute intestinal infections in the north-eastern region of Ukraine. Gigiena i sanitariya. 2016; 95 (3): 287‒292. (Russian)
13. Sergevnin V.I., Ladeyschikova Yu.I., Devyatkov M.Yu., Sarmometov E.V.: Assessment of the epidemiological significance and conditions of microbial contamination of vegetable salads as transmission factors of pathogens of acute intestinal infections in modern conditions. Epidemiologiya i infektsionnyie bolezni. 2011; 1: 31‒35. (Russian)
14. Seregin I.G., Butko M.P., Vasilev D.A.: Veterinary and sanitary control of meat of compelled animals. Veterinariya. 2012; 5: 3‒9. (Russian)
15. Belyaeva Yu.N.: Some epidemiological aspects of digestive diseases at the regional level // Materialyi VII Mezhdunarodnoy (XVI Vserossiyskoy) Pirogovskoy nauchnoy meditsinskoy konferentsii studentov i molodyih uchYonyih, Moskva, 2012. (Russian)
16. Antipov M.O., Mindlina A.Ya.: Digestive diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature. Epidemiological relationship. Epidemiologiya i vaktsinoprofilaktika. 2019; 18 (1): 55‒65. (Russian)
17. Sergevnin V.I.: Acute intestinal infections. Waterway transmission of pathogens. Vrach. 2013; 7: 74‒76. (Russian)
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Authors and Affiliations

Alla Podavalenko
Nina Malysh
Victoriya Zadorozhna
Mycola Chemych
Svetlana Biryukova
Inna Chorna

  1. Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
  2. Sumy State University, Ukraine
  3. SI “Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after L.V. Gromashevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine
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The prevalence of TMD indicates a need to develop new tools that are useful in the case of screening examinations. These methods can support diagnosis at the early stage of the disorder. The purpose of this research was to develop a comprehensive tool that would function as both a database of sounds generated by TMJ and as software which facilitates automated diagnosis. The software would also use the data from the RDC/TMD questionnaire. Such a tool may significantly reduce the time spent by dentists on making manual RDC/TMD diagnoses. Moreover, this solution would enable dentists who do not specialise in TMD to make effective diagnoses. 95 patient took part in the clinical examination: 30 man and 65 females. The mean age of the participants was 33 years. Patients participating in the clinical process were examined according to the Polish version of the RDC/TMD questionnaire (Axis I and Axis II). Subsequently, all subjects were auscultated with an electronic stethoscope. An application has been im-plemented based on the RDC/TMD diagnostic flow chart. This tool was used for the automated generation of RDC/TMD diagnoses for all patients. As a result of the kind permission and participation of the patients under examination, it was possible to store records of ninety-five people. Each record contains RDC/TMD questionnaire data, auscultation signals and RDC/TMD diagnoses. For the first time, a database was created that has the potential to facilitate further examination. However, the developed system is universal and can therefore be adapted to new DC/TMD criteria.
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Justyna Grochala
Marcin Kajor
Małgorzata Pihut
Jolanta E. Loster

  1. Jagiellonian University Medical College, Department of Dental Prosthetics and Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Kraków, Poland
  3. Prof. Loster’s Orthodontics, Kraków, Poland
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Lacustrine deposits from Ortel Królewski II (Eastern Poland) represent the Holsteinian Interglacial (MIS 11c). They are characterized by an extremely rich occurrence of ostracod and mollusc fauna. Collected samples represent pre-optimal part of the Holsteinian Interglacial corresponding to Picea–Alnus, Taxus and Pinus–Larix zones. Based on ostracod assemblage analysis a depth of the paleolake, the energy of the environment and the average January and July air temperature were reconstructed. Ostracods from Ortel Królewski II indicate a lake with possible periodic overflow sur- rounded by periodically flooded grasslands, which existed in the study area during the pre-optimal part of Holsteinian Interglacial.

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Monika Wasążnik
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The objective of the study was to characterise the quality of surface waters in order to de-termine their vulnerability to pollution by nitrogen compounds from agricultural activity, as well as to specify the areas with increased exposure, where nitrogen runoff from agricultural sources has to be reduced. It was necessary to determine surface waters liable to pollution by these compounds due to the fact that agricultural production should be carried out in the way which limits and prevents water pollution by nitrogen compounds of agricultural origin. The study addressed the following is-sues: the concentration of nitrogen compounds in the surface waters of the Middle Odra Basin, and the extent of eutrophication in flowing inland waters (with nitrogen as the main nutrient). The results have been plotted in figures and gathered in tables.

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Agnieszka Kolanek
Rafalina Korol
Marzenna Strońska
Urszula Szyjkowska
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The contemporary underground mining of raw minerals is more and more associated with geological and mining software packages which support the work of designers from the moment of the exploration of a deposit, determination of its size and quality, geological, hydrogeological and tectonic conditions, by planning the development and cutting of the deposit. Production planning is one of the most important activities carried out in the course of a mining project, because it allows to set specific production results of a mine in relation to a time unit, and then allows for a verification of the degree of completion of the assumed plan. At present, computer-aided design is applicable to daily or long-term output planning taking deposit, qualitative, quantitative and cost constraints into account. In the article, selected forms of ore deposits were presented. On the basis of several dozen boreholes up to 300m in length, an exemplary fragment of the ore cutting model using computer-aided design of mining works was presented. By using modern computer software - ABB MineScape with modular construction, the possibilities of improving the process of development of future exploitation areas have been determined. In particular, the arrangement of boreholes, based on which ones the cross sections were made with, present the exemplary lithostratigraphic thickness of layers, including the location of discontinuous deformations in the form of faults, and an ore bearing zone. For the block model, resources with priority for metal N o. 1 and 2 were calculated. I n the last section of the article, the cutting idea for a shallow ore deposit has been presented. The degree of effective use of the deposit has been analysed for the room and pillar mining method.

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Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Andrzej Gądek
Radosław Misiak
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The aspect of climate change in the modern world is one of the broader issues of global social and economic policy. Climate change implies a modification of the business environment, especially the energy sector. Any change in the conditions in which the company operates is the cause, the effect of which becomes its financial situation during the relevant period. Therefore, climate policy will play an increasingly important role in shaping the energy of the future. At present, energy companies are taking measures to process primary energy from fossil fuels, in particular coal, in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. The article presents the impact of international climate agreements on the energy and coal industries. The latest agreement signed in Paris defines a global plan to minimize the dangerous effects of global warming on the climate arising from carbon emissions. The most important outcome of the agreement was the unification of many countries with a common goal. The European Union played a key role in signing the first legally binding agreement in the world, which is also a forerunner in the carbon trading system: EU ETS (European Union Emission Trading Scheme) The US-based CO2 emissions trading system has become a model for the European Commission. In addition, the article highlights the correlation between the EUA ( European Union Allowances) and “ARA coal” prices as well as the role of the coal market in price formation of emission allowances.

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Tadeusz Olkuski
Katarzyna Piwowarczyk-Ściebura
Andrzej Brożek
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The high and rapidly increasing demand for maritime space for various purposes, such as: shipping and fishing, production of energy from renewable sources, oil and gas exploitation, environmental conservation, tourism and aquaculture, as well as the multiple pressures on coastal resources, require integrated planning and management approach. In the law of the European Union, maritime governance has been developed in the Integrated Maritime Policy. The aim of this article is to show maritime spatial planning as a tool that enables public authorities to apply an integrated and trans-boundary approach.

The main aim of the maritime spatial planning is to promote sustainable development and growth in the maritime sector, applying an ecosystem-based approach, and to achieve the coexistence of relevant activities and uses. In order to achieve that purpose, Member States should ensure that the planning process results in a comprehensive planning taking into consideration inter alia long-term changes due to climate change.

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Monika Adamczak-Retecka
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In view of the ecological hazards of chemicals, pot experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of Trichoderma sp. against Macrophomina phaseolina. Greenhouse evolution of the interaction between M. phaseolina isolates and Trichoderma sp. isolates revealed a very highly significant (p = 0.0000). M. phaseolina isolate x antagonist isolate interaction for all the following parameters: preemergence damping-off, postemergence damping-off, survival, plant height, and dry weight. This interaction implies that a single isolate of antagonist can be highly effective againstan isolate of M. phaseolina, but may have only minimal effectsonotherisolatesof M. phaseolina. Therefore, isolates of antagonist should be tested against as many isolates of M. phaseolina as possible, as this will improve the chance of identifying antagonist isolates effective against several isolates of M. phaseolina.

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Aly A. Aly
Mohamed A. Abdel-Sattar
Moawad R. Omar
Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam
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The article considers Roman Ingarden’s fundamental questions in the context of the position called philosophical fundamentalism. It turns out that the defining feature of this position, i.e. the search for answers to the question about the conditions of validity of statements in the sphere of traditional branches of philosophy: ontology, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics, finds its counterpart in Ingarden’s ontological and epistemological assumptions in phenomenology. They guarantee the legitimacy of any other claims. Ingarden’s philosophical fundamentalism, considered here in relation to the work- ‑scheme, weakened with time, which seems to be evidenced by the author’s doubts as to the legitimacy of the existence of the sphere of ideal objects determining this work. It seems highly possible that this is Ingarden’s bow to culture, and to cultural and historical relativization of the unchanging sphere of ideal objects.
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Barbara Kotowa

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filozoficzny, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c, 60-568 Poznań
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In the skeptical tradition self-consciousness was transparent and it served as a basis for expressing doubts and developing arguments leading to certainty. After the linguistic and naturalistic turns, contemporary philosophy developed skeptical arguments against certainty and epistemic priority of the data of self-consciousness (both reflective and pre-reflective). Self-reflection reports on the stream of consciousness ex post, but the reports are meager and dependent on subject’s conceptual scheme, while the pre- -reflective data is unclear. Two contemporary skeptical hypotheses have been developed: H. Putnam’s content externalism hypothesis and so-called Kripkenstein’s quus hypothesis. I put forth the question what kind of self is immune to erroneous misidentification. The immunity seems to be limited to the contentless self, reducible to the pre-discursive feeling of one’s own existence. There is no guarantee that any content whatsoever can be attributed to self without error. I cannot negate that I exist any more than I can negate that something external exists, but any description of either is fallible. So the content of self-consciousness is not in an epistemically better position than the content of external perception.

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Renata Ziemińska
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Artykuł dotyczy kategorii jakości postaciowej (Gestalt) w estetyce Romana Ingardena. W części pierwszej zostały przywołane stanowiska filozofów i estetyków wysuwających własne, na ogół fragmentaryczne, interpretacje tego pojęcia. W części drugiej rozpatrzono określony wariant rozumienia jakości postaciowej – literacką jakość postaciową, realizującą nadto podtyp brzmieniowy. Rozważany literacki wariant jakości postaciowej można do pewnego stopnia utożsamić – w wypadku dzieł sztuki najwyższej rangi – z jakością metafizyczną.

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Beata Garlej
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The aim of this paper is to present an in-pipe modular robotic system that can navigate inaccessible industrial pipes in order to check their condition, locate leakages, and clean the ventilation systems. The aspects concerning the development of a lightweight and energy efficient modular robotic system are presented. The paper starts with a short introduction about modular inspection systems in the first chapter, followed by design aspects and finalizing with the test of the developed robotic system.

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A. Adrianluţei
Mihai Tâtar
Vistrian Mâtieş
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The article discusses two works devoted to the women's education and upbringing, written in two different eras. Both books – the treaty by a Spanish secular humanist Juan Luis Vives (1492–1540) De institutione feminae christianae (Bruges 1524) dedicated to the Queen of England, Catherine of Aragon, wife of Henry VIII, and her daughter Mary Tudor, and reference guide for women by a Spanish Jesuit Jorge Loring (1921–2013) Para salvarte. Compendio de las verdades fundamentales de la religión católica y normas para vivirlas (1st ed. 1952) – are advisory in nature. Both authors in a similar way define the role of women in a society. Formulating the recommendations for good Christian women, the authors resort to almost identical argumentation derived from the Bible and the writings of the Church Fathers. They use similar rhetorical devices which are tailored to the current circumstances. Both authors refer to the same authority and show the same examples. The analysis of both works aims to show the immutability of rhetorical practices in the field of advice literature devoted to women.

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Joanna Partyka

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