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The presented article describes the relationship between lithological and facies development of reservoir rocks in the area of the roof elevation of the Weissliegend sandstones, with a particular emphasis on the influence of elevation on the occurrence of low mineralization zones in the deposit area. To illustrate the variability of the deposit parameters, closely related to the facies and lithological conditions of the host rocks, three-dimensional lithological and geochemical models for two research areas were developed using the geostatistical methods and based on field observations and the sampling of the deposit. The research area includes parts of the Northern Elevation of Rudna and the surrounding depressions within the boundaries of the Sieroszowice and Rudna deposits. Based on cross-sections of the 3D models, a different deposit formation in the roof elevation area of sandstone formations has been characterized; the lithological profile is defined as „atypical” due to the absence of a copper-bearing shale series, the most characteristic layer for copper ore deposits in the Fore -Sudetic monocline. Large variations in the shape of the deposit and the irregular boundaries of both balance mineralization and enclaves of gangue have been confirmed. The presence of large-scale enclaves of igneous rock in the entire profile of the Lower Zechstein rocks (areas without the balance copper mineralization) and small areas of gangue (sandstone) enriched with anhydrite binders adjacent to the parts of balance deposit located in argillaceous sandstone has been revealed. The possibility of the occurrence of gangue, in the area of the roof elevation of the Weissliegend sandstones directly adjacent to the border with calcareous dolomite, and irregular gangue partings in sandstone formations in the balance deposit was indicated. In addition, small areas of strong enrichment in Cu sulphides were observed in the contact zones between sulphate and clay binders in the Weissliegend sandstone series.

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Wojciech Kaczmarek
Mariusz Dudek
Katarzyna Golda
Monika Wasilewska-Błaszczyk
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This article discusses a wide range oflegal consequences connected with the ratification in 1998 by the Republic ofPoland oftheUNConvention on the law ofthe sea. In particular, it notes compliance with the demands of the Convention relating to the innocent passage ofwarships, including submarines, and the introduction of limitations on the movements of sea-going vessels of special kinds within Polish territorial waters. The completion of normalisations permitting the signalisation of the lack of effective flag state jurisdiction over foreign vessels is seen as being appropriate. The author's basic legislative postulate is the introduction - in line with article 33 of the Convention - within Polish waters of a contiguous zone. This would permit the effective protection of the interests of the Republic of Poland in the area of customs, taxation, immigration and health regulations. A subsequent part of the article discusses the necessity of bringing Polish regulations concerning scientific maritime research into line with the Convention. This would be in the areas of so-called presumed permission for research, of legal regulations in the area ofthe definition ofpiracy, ofthe criminal nature ofillegal radio and television transmissions on the open sea, and of administrative regulations relating to the awarding of captain's certificates and of certificates of qualification. The author suggests that there will be a growth of interest in the regulations of the Convention as they apply to private law. He points to a range of normalisations, among others, in the area of civil liability - including the civil liability of subjects under international law. The author stresses the difficulties ofadapting civil law solutions within the framework of international relations. He does this via the example of so-called statewarranty, which is anticipated in the Convention. Finally several aspects of the right of transit of inland states are analysed, as are legal issues connected with the detention of vessels by maritime states. In conclusion the author argues that a relatively small number of changes in Polish legislation would permit the better implementation of the Montego Bay Convention.
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Mirosław H. Koziński
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The aim of this article is to examine early English references to those involved in storing, selling and making medicinal preparations. Also, we will attempt to find out how early pharmacists were perceived by other medical practitioners. The study is mainly based on the language material from two medical corpora Middle English Medical Texts (MEMT) and Early Modern English Medical Texts (EMEMT). In order to make the list of references to early pharmacists as comprehensive as possible, the online editions of the following dictionaries have been consulted: Historical Thesaurus of English (HTE), Middle English Dictionary (MED), and Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
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Marta Sylwanowicz

  1. University of Warsaw
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I n t r o d u c t i o n: Induction of labor is an intervention in the obstetrics, which aim is to achieve cervical ripening and stimulate contractions of uterus before beginning of labor. The purpose of our study was to evaluate efficacy of combinations of vaginal misoprostol, intracervical dinoprostone and Foley catheter at term with regard to mode of delivery and rate of emergency C-sections due to birth asphyxia.

Ma t e r i a l a n d Me t h o d s: 403 singleton pregnant women, who underwent pharmacological labor induction at term, were reviewed. Patients were divided into 2 main cohorts due to beginning of induction algorithm: vaginal misoprostol (66) or intracervical dinoprostone (337) consisting of 3 subgroups — PGE2 alone (184), PGE2+Foley catheter (125), PGE2+Foley catheter+PGE1 (28).

R e s u l t s: Comparison of maternal age, presence of cervical dilation and parity revealed no major differences between cohorts. Eff ectiveness of labor induction with misoprostol, dinoprostone and dinoprostone followed by Foley catheter were respectively 90.9%, 51.3%, and 82.8%. Addition of PGE1 was effective in 83% of patients with negative response to PGE2 followed by Foley catheter. There was no statistically significant diff erence in rate of C-sections between dinoprostone and misoprostol cohorts, C-section due to birth asphyxia were insignificantly more frequent in PGE1 than in PGE2 cohort. Efficacy in the subgroup administered only dinoprostone was significantly higher in 40th than in 41th (p = 0.016).

C o n c l u s i o n s: Intracervical dinoprostone seems to be safer, but less effective in labor induction than vaginal misoprostol. Following PGE2 by other methods increased efficacy of induction in this cohort.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Modrzyńska
Małgorzata Radoń-Pokracka
Magdalena Płonka
Beata Adrianowicz
Gabriela Wilczyńska
Magdalena Nowak
Hubert Huras
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In 2017, the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (JSW SA), the largest producer of coking coal in Europe, and JOY KOMATSU, the producer of mining machinery, signed a consortium. The project’s main goal was to reduce the costs of driving mine workings by reintroducing the rock bolt support. The works began in November 2019, and for the first time in the history of Polish coal mining, a Bolter Miner machine was used for the purpose. The paper presents the results of measuring the axial forces in rock bolts at the measurement base and their analysis with numerical modelling.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Masny
Łukasz Nita
Jerzy Ficek

  1. Central Mining Institute, 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA, KWK „Budryk”, Poland
  3. „Geofic“ Scientific and Technical Office, Poland
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Cost overrun during construction is one of the most common problems occur in construction projects around the world, which also includes the area of Chongqing in China. At present, there are few studies related to cost overruns at the construction stage of high-rise residential building projects (HRBPs) in Chongqing. The purpose of this study is to develop effective control measures from the contractor’s perspective to help projects to minimize cost overruns during the construction phase of HRBPs in Chongqing. Firstly, through the literature review and semi-structured interviews, 65 cost overrun-related risk factors in construction projects were identified. All the risk factors have been prioritized through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on their importance to project success. Out of the 65 factors identified, 12 were classified as the critical ones that have a great potential to instigate a cost overrun during construction to take place in the real project. There were four risk factors that have the greatest impact on cost overruns, and their weights were 0.04 or above, including low bid, force majeure, undetailed/inaccurate geological survey data, and increased loan interest rates. Finally, control measures were developed for these four critical cost overrun risk factors (CCORFs). The measures developed provided a guideline to control the risk of cost overruns and clear control key points to help contractors minimize cost overruns on construction projects.
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Yuee Wang
Farid Ezanee Mohamed Ghazali

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, University Sains Malaysia,Seri Ampangan, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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