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W artykule podjęto próbę systematyzacji sposobów konceptualizacji pojęcia kultury przez jej rzeczywistych i potencjalnych konsumentów. Rozumienie kultury traktujemy jako poznawczy element postawy, który jest powiązany z praktykami uczestnictwa w kulturze. Badania jakościowe, prowadzone w ramach ewaluacji Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury Wrocław 2016, pozwoliły zidentyfikować cztery odmienne sposoby rozumienia kultury, które określają nadawany jej sens, znaczenie oraz sposoby uczestnictwa. W konkluzjach omawiamy zasadnicze czynniki różnicujące podejście do kultury. Wskazujemy także, że skuteczna polityka zorientowana na zwiększanie uczestnictwa w kulturze nie może ograniczać się do tworzenia oferty, ale powinna uwzględniać także kształtowanie i upowszechnianie inkluzywnych sposobów rozumienia kultury.

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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Błaszczyk
Ewa Banaszak
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The following paper discusses the issue of the historical policy of Polish authorities in the area of social media. In the last few years, narratives about the past in the perspective of historical policy have been becoming an ever more important part of social lives, especially when they become a field of struggle between conflicted nations. The main hypothesis is whether historical policy narratives in Poland are built upon ahistorical thinking and its categories such myths and arche-types. The auxiliary questions concentrate on the context of those narratives as the authors propose three models for the historical policy roles – areas where historical policy adopted already existing narratives, those which are antagonised, and a “new” one that did not previously exist in social media. In the end, the authors conclude that ahistorical thinking is still dominant in Polish society and social media have become a new tool for political propaganda in the area of history.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Historii
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Modern agriculture and plant breeding must continuously meet the high and increasingly growing requirements of consumers and recipients. In this context, one of the conditions for effective management of any farm is access to quick and efficient diagnostics of plant pathogens, the result of which, together with the assessment of experts, provide breeders with tools to effectively reduce the occurrence of plant diseases. This paper presents information about biodiversity and spectrum of endophytic and phytopathogenic bacterial species identified in plant samples delivered to the Plant Disease Clinic in 2013–2019. During the tests, using the Biolog Gen III system, the species affiliation of the majority of detected bacterial strains found in plant tissues as an endophyte and not causing disease symptoms on plants was determined. These data were compiled and compared with the number of found identifications for a given species and data on the pathogenicity of bacterial species towards plants. In this way, valuable information for the scientific community was obtained about the species composition of the bacterial microbiome of the crop plants studied by us, which were confronted with available literature data. In the study, special attention was paid to tomato, which is the plant most often supplied for testing in the Plant Disease Clinic due to its economic importance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Weronika Zenelt
Krzysztof Krawczyk
Natasza Borodynko-Filas

  1. Plant Disease Clinic and Bank of Plant Pathogen, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Poznań, Poland
  2. Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Poznań, Poland
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Local roads in Poland, built for the most part in the previous economic system, are mostly unsuited to the ever-increasing traffic load, often built on a low-load organic substrate and need to be renovated. Linear objects are most often characterized by a significant variability in groundwater conditions in their area. The economical and safe design of the rebuild of a road structure often entails the need to implement ground improvement design of the low-bearing soil substrate, but areas of improvement should be adapted to the occurrence zones of low-bearing soil. The article presents a case study of the district road, for which ground and water conditions were recognized and organic soil were found. In addition to the rebuilding of the road structure to fulfill the requirements of the current traffic load and repairing the culverts, the reconstruction also included the ground improvement. The authors reviewed the types of road categories according to the admissible traffic loads (KR), the most important and commonly used methods of ground improvement, discussed the characteristics of the Benkelmann beam deflection method, proposed a design solution adapted to the existing conditions in the substrate and, after implementing it, presented the results of the deflection of the road before and after the reconstruction and soil improvement.
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Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Węgliński
Michalina Flieger-Szymańska
Miłosz Just
Dorota Anna Krawczyk

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Institute of Civil Engineering, Poznan, Poland
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Spherical fuzzy sets are more powerful in modelling the uncertain situations than picture fuzzy sets, fermatean fuzzy sets, Pythagorean fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and fuzzy sets. In this paper, we first define the variance and covariance of spherical fuzzy sets. Then, using variance and covariance, we define the unique spherical fuzzy set correlation metric in line with the statistical coefficient of correlation. Two spherical fuzzy sets are correlated in both direction and strength using the provided measure of correlation. We discussed its many characteristics. We compared the measure of correlation with the current ones through linguistic variables. We established its validity by showing its application in bidirectional approximate reasoning. We also resolve a pattern identification issue in the spherical fuzzy environment using the provided correlation function, and we compare the results with several current measurements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdul Haseeb Ganie
Debashis Dutta

  1. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Warangal506004, Telangana, India

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