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Coal is a naturally occurring solid fuel used, among others, for heating and for electricity production. Despite the development of the gas and heating network in our country, as well as the growing interest in the use of renewable energy sources, it still remains the most frequent fuel burned in local sources for the production of thermal energy. The article describes actual heating coal demand in the municipal and residential sector, with the distinction of different assortments, depending on the solid fuel heating source applied. Moreover, a subjective list of factors that have a key impact on the change in heating coal demand for this market was presented, taking the regulatory environment, global trends in housing heating and statistical surveys on the preferences for individual heat sources replacement into account. The confrontation of observed phenomena allowed for possible scenarios of changes in the demand for heating coal with the prospect until 2030, broken down into its individual assortments to be elaborated.

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Radomir Rogus
Łukasz Mazanek
Renata Maczuga
Wojciech Cebo
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Casting process takes a major percentage of manufacturing products into consideration. No-bake casting is swiftly developing technology for foundry industries. In the no-bake family, furan no-bake casting process employs resins and acid catalyst to form a furan binder system. However, this process configures castings with augmented strength and quality surface finish. Compressive strength, transverse strength and tensile strength of moulds are also high in this furan binder system. Hence this method is apt for producing accurately dimensioned castings. Our well thought-out deliberations in the subsequent write up entail the numerous effects of variation of resin and acid catalyst on the surface defect i.e. sulfur diffusion on the surface of FNB casting. Furan resin; used in the production of casting is furfuryl alcohol and acid catalyst is sulphonic acid. Sulfur diffusion is tested by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis and also by the spectrometer with jet stream technology. This paper also comprises economic advantages of optimizing resin because furan resin is expensive and catalyst with reduction of sulfur diffusion defect as it saves machining, labor cost, and energy.

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M.V. Sheladiya
S.G. Acharya
K. Mehta
G.D. Acharya
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The text attempts to show the forgotten beauty in architecture. It seems, that the “drawn” architecture can reveal more than the real — built one. The avant-garde of the early 20th century killed in art the need to strive for beauty. Novelty and contemporarily advertising form of architecture are becoming the most important. However, the problem of beauty seems to be still interesting in art. Architecture is slowly departing from the functionalist way of creating, yet it cannot return to the beauty, that once was so important. It is the drawn one, carrying the message of unreality, that makes it possible to return to the forgotten approach to creation. Architects’ drawings can bring back a visionary and idealistic message.

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Tomasz Kozłowski
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The methodology used in patrology - patristics results from its classification into purely theological disciplines. Before Vaticanum II the term patrology was used in a historical-philosophical sense, which led to perceiving patrology as a historical field of study. The study dealt with the old Christian writings from the chronological and literary point of view. This approach implied using research methodology typical of historical sciences. Since the Vatican Council II patrology has been considered a branch of theology and the name patristics has been used more often. Gradually its close association with dogmatics has been observed. The aim of patristics is to present theological thoughts of the Church Fathers. To achieve this objective a researcher has to carry out a thorough analysis of the Church Fathers’ writings by means of theological and literary criteria within the historical context. By resorting to the teaching of the Church Fathers patristics should show the development of theological thinking without identifying itself with Church history, the history of dogmas or ancient Christian literature.

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Ks. Bogdan Częsz
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O b j e c t i v e s: Pill-takers seem to have some deficiencies in developing problem-solving styles, in which it plays an important role in their mental health. The present study has aimed to examine the role of problem-solving styles in individuals who have suicidal behavior by taking pills.

M e t h o d s: This research is a case-control study in which 100 people who had attempted to commit suicide by taking pills and had gone to the toxicity emergency room of the Razi Educational and Therapeutic center in Rasht city, were compared with 100 normal people who were selected as the control group. These two groups of people were compared with each other in terms of their problem-solving styles (which is measured using Cassidy and Long problem solving styles questionnaire).

R e s u l t s: After adjusting the effects of the confounding variables, i.e. level of education, marital status, residential status, history of psychiatry and alcohol addiction, it became clear that pill-takers group in comparison with the control group scores significantly higher in the non-adaptive problem-solving styles i.e. helplessness, problem-solving control, and avoidance styles (P < 0.0001) and also lower scores in adaptive styles, i.e. creative, confidence and approach styles (P < 0.0001). The interactive effects of group membership and gender were not significant in any of the problem-solving styles (P < 0.05).

C o n c l u s i o n s: Problem-solving styles are regarded as important risk factors when it comes to attempting to commit suicide by taking pills. Thus, it is essential to teach problem-solving styles to at-risk patients in order to preventing suicidal behavior.

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Negar Sheikhli
Sajjad Rezaei
Seyyed Vali allah Mousavi
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In this paper, we present one approach to improve the soundproofing performance of the double-panel structure (DPS) in the entire audible frequencies, in which two kinds of local resonances, the breathing-type resonance and the Helmholtz resonance, are combined. The thin ring resonator row and slit-type resonator (Helmholtz resonator) row are inserted between two panels of DPS together. Overlapping of the band gaps due to the individual resonances gives a wide and high band gap of sound transmission in the low frequency range. At the same time, the Bragg-type band gap is created by the structural periodicity of the scatterers in the high audible frequency range. In addition, the number of scatterer rows and the filling factor are investigated with regard to the sound insulation of DPS with sonic crystals (SCs). Consequently, the hybrid SC has the potential of increasing the soundproofing performance of DPS in the audible frequency range above 1 kHz by about 15 dB on average compared to DPS filled only with glass wool between two panels, while decreasing the total thickness and mass compared to the counterparts with the other type of local resonant sonic crystal.
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Kyong-Su Ri
Myong-Jin Kim
Se-Hyon Son-U

  1. Institute of Acoustics, Department of Physics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
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The aim of the present study was to examine changes in species composition and density of ciliates in an adjacent river, ccotone and reservoir zone (Zemborzycki Reservoir, Eastern Poland). Quality and quantity structure of planktonie ciliates showed visible differences between studied zones; the highest species diversity and abundance were observed in the ecotone (water/water). The lowest species diversity and abundance were noted in the Bystrzyca River. Independent on the zone, ciliates community was dominated by bacterivorous species with the lowest proportions of algivorous tax a. The present study showed that density of protozooplankton rose with the increase of nutrients delivery and TOC concentration in water.
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Tomasz Mieczan
Monika Tarkowska-Kukuryk
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Landfilling is the main method of waste disposal in Poland as well as in most countries all over the world. Leachate originating during waste deposition may be a source of ground water pollution. The aim of the paper was to characterize and compare the composition of leachate originating from three landfills in Lublin Province (Poland) and differing in their methods of waste pre-treatment. Ozonation was used in the initial trials to treat landfill leachate. Experiments were carried out to determine whether ozonation using a single dose of 1.8 gO,lm3 has the same effect on the efficiency of organic removal from leachates characterized by different ages and degrees of solid waste pretreatment. From analyses (BOD5, COD, N-NH,, heavy metals) it was concluded, that excluding some fractions (glass, paper, plastics, aluminum, fine organic fraction) from the waste mass affects the leachate quality. The studied oxidizing method was found to influence the BOD5 and COD levels
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Magdalena Lebiocka
Agnieszka Montusiewicz
Małgorzata Pawłowska
Janusz Ozonek
Ewa Szkutnik
Marcin Rosłan
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The method of the ongoing assessment of the reclaim quality originating from the mechanical reclamation is described in this paper. In the process, the triboelectric system of measuring amounts of dust in the dedusting part of a reclamation device was applied. Based on the online measurements of the amounts of dust generated in the spent sand-reclamation process and the post-process determinations of the ignition losses and granular structures of the removed dust, the proper work parameters of the experimental reclaimer were selected. The allowable value of the ignition losses as well as the main fraction of the reclaimed matrix being similar to fresh sand was assumed as the main criteria of the positive assessment of the process. Within the presented investigations, a periodically operating device for rotor-mechanical reclamation was developed. The possibility of changing the intensity and time of the reclamation treatment as well as the triboelectric system of the dust-amount measuring were applied in this device. Tests were performed for the spent moulding sand with phenol-resol resin Carbophen 5692 hardened by CO2. This sand represents the moulding sand group with a less harmful influence on the surroundings for which the recovery of the quartz matrix utilising the reclamation requires stricter control of the parameters of the reclamation process and reclaim quality.
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Authors and Affiliations

R. Dańko
A. Pietrzak
D. Gruszka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Foundry, ul. Reymonta 23, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

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