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The water of the Wisła-Czarne reservoir is of very low hardness and alkalinity. In spite ofhigh SUVA values it is not susceptible to enhanced coagulation. In order to achieve the assumed results, coagulation with ALS (aluminium sulphate) should be conducted in two optional technological systems - in a conventional system and in "in-bed" coagulation dependently ofwater quality and its temperature. Effective treatment with ALS is possible, even at low temperature of the water, but at strict technological parameters. However, because of significant variations of water quality, especially after rainstorms, it is very difficult to meet such requirements. Application of pre-hydrolyzed Flokor 1,2A instead ofALS enables to eliminate reagents to the pH adjustment and to apply "in-bed" coagulation when water supplied to the WTP is of low turbidity. To assure stable technological system operation, in aspect of raw water quality changes, some activities were also undertaken, i.e. modernization of rapid filters, which involved a drainage system and exchange of sand bed for anthracite-sand bed. Treatment based on direct filtration results in decrease of reagents usage and, what is especially important, effective DBPs precursors removal.
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Joanna Gumiińska
Marcin Kłos
Anna Pawłowska
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During the expedition "Spitsbergen 1979/80" the authors prepared a geomorphologic map of the area to the north of Hornsund, between the Torell Glacier and the Treskelen Peninsula. Fifteen raised marine terraces were distinguished. Basing on field morphometric sections, quite a detailed distribution of the terraces at a seaside plain and in side valleys was noted. Also, the previous Polish studies over this part of the Svalbard Archipelago were taken into account. The terraces occur at the following altitudes: 220—230 m, 200—205 m, 180—190 m, 100—115 m, 80—95 m, 70—75 m, 60—65 m. 45—46 m, 40 - 46 m, 32—35 m, 22—25 m, 16—18 m, 8—12 m, 4.5—6 m and 2 m a.s.l. (Figs. 2—5). The terraces are not evenly distributed and they possess a varying structure. The authors, due to absence of other chronologic evidence but on the ground of a morphologic analysis and radiocarbon data (presented by Birkenmajer and Olsson 1970) suppose that only the lowest terraces have been formed in a postglacial period.

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Andrzej Karczewski
Andrzej Kostrzewski
Leszek Marks
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The introduction to the article includes a general interpretation of infrared display system. Thermal display of buildings will be analyzed in a comparative-qualitative approach. Chapter II presents a detalied interpretation of the formulas applied at thermal research. chapter Ill quotes the kinds of errors performed at remote temperature measurements by means of single-band or double-band infrared devices. The sources of uncertainty of remote temperature measurements, elementary applications and evaluation of thermovision in building industry have been included in the final part of this.
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Zbigniew Piasek
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The progressive processes of globalization and changes in the global, European and local economy require integrated efforts aimed at solving problems related to development at the national regional and the local level involving the environment, energy sources, climate and technological transformation issues. European Union Member States are given right to create an individual Energy mix. Coal will continue to play a major role in Poland’s energy mix during the next decades. Polish coal reserves can provide energy security for decades.

Despite crude oil and natural gas growth in fuel consumption, coal will continue to be the stabilizer of energy security for the country and play an important role in Poland’s energy mix in the years to come. However, further coal consumption requires investments in low carbon technologies which are of high efficiency and in high-efficiency cogeneration.

The validity of the full utilization of cogeneration potential should be highlighted. Operating cogeneration plants are more expensive than power plants but they are more efficient and generate less carbon emissions. In accordance with the assumptions of the Energy policy of Poland, a low-carbon economy with renewable Energy sources and nuclear Energy should be supported and developed, however the obsolete coal generators should be replaced with low-carbon high-efficient ones.

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Anna Kielerz
Monika Porzerzyńska-Antonik
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Natural gas plays a significant role in the energy structure of many world economies. Many of them are highly dependent on domestic resources exploitation, other on its deliveries from non-domestic directions. In Poland its importance was relatively low, but in recent years we can observe an increase of interest in this raw material. The aim of the paper is to present the role of natural gas as a primary energy carrier and to determine its impact on the sustainable development and energy security of Poland. The role of gas in the European Union restrictions and development of the domestic economy is also a point. Theoretical deliberations are focused on the most important features of the Polish natural gas market. The article presents the most important national regulations concerning the development of the gas sector in Poland. The amount of natural gas resources are shown as well as indigenous production of the fuel and imports, including the directions from which natural gas is imported. Both political and geographical aspects of the directions of natural gas acquisition are discussed. The level and potential abilities of the diversification of the natural gas supply are discussed. The importance of gas storages in underground gas repositories is underlined. The authors point to the increase in the diversification of raw materials in the structure of electricity, heat production and the transition to pro-ecological fuels.

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Monika Pepłowska
Lidia Gawlik
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Heresy is usually defned as an error concerning the content of faith. In this article heresy is shown as a sin requiring conversion and penance and not just a withdrawal of one’s views. A sin of heresy is compared to adultery or idolatry, for which the same penance used to be assigned (e.g. Synod of Elvira in 306, can. 22). In this context the condemnation of Nestorius by the Council of Ephesus in 431 is characteristic because it is focused on the insult to Jesus Christ and not on erroneous conceptions. It is also the case with the formulas of condemnation of heretics where such invectives as contamination, sacrilegium or perfdia were often used, and those terms belong to the feld of morality rather than to intellectual disputes or differences.

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O. Henryk Pietras SJ
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The extremely rapid development of modern techniques for analyzing the human genome, both in the field of scientific research and diagnostic applications, entails a variety of problems whose solution lags far behind our current technological capabilities. These problems appear in the ethical, social, legal or religious spheres and include such detailed issues as e.g. examination of children for diseases manifested in adulthood, accidental (secondary) results being a side effect of the analysis of the whole genome, the growing offer of tests directed directly to the recipient, patenting of genetic information, confidentiality of genetic data and their availability to third parties, availability of genetic counselling, etc. The legal regulation of these problems, the list of which is growing at an alarming rate, still remains in the sphere of declarations, and its shift to the sphere of real actions seems to be lagging further and further back in time. Do patients, laboratory diagnoses, doctors still have to be held hostage by the legislative impotence?

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Michał Witt

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