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Mathematical package Matlab is a very convenient programming language, used for calculations in the field of linear algebra for scientists and engineers. Its main advantage for civil engineers is the simplicity of the language and the wide range of application in the field of linear statics. This mathematical platformwas used for programming of static calculations of multi-span, continuous, beam bridge structures. In the formulated theoretical approach, the internal forces were calculated using the method of forces. Knowing the influence matrix and load values in the unit states, the envelope of internal forces can be determined. The first step is entering the vector of loads and the second is calculating an envelope using special function. Obtaining the results from individual loads in a variety of operating conditions, it is possible to calculate the global envelope of internal forces and proceed with modifications of the model. The theoretical approach was computationally tested on the example of an alternative design concept of the MA-46 bridge along the A4 motorway. One of the biggest advantages of the discussed computational approach is the wide access to the results of intermediate calculations. Another benefits of working with mathematical packages are improving insight in the field of static calculations and getting used to working with code like in some programs for structural analysis (e.g. SOFiSTiK). The discussed computational approach is a good way to pre-design due to the little time required to compare several variants of solution, so it can be helpful in optimizing the structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Hawryszków
Bronisław Czaplewski

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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City parks play a very important role in an urbanized landscape. They are forms of specially designed green space which combine elements of horticulture with architecture, history and culture. The article presents historical urban parks and old residential-park complexes included in the boundaries of Poznań and currently existing in the wedge-ring system of the urban green space. The aim of the conducted research was to show their historical and current function as well as their general state of preservation and condition. The results are presented in the form of a Table where the historical significance of those objects is compared with their role today.

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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Rosada
Miłosz Walerzak
Piotr Urbański

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