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Celem artykułu jest omówienie i uzupełnienie (doprecyzowanie) teorii granic społecznych. Przedstawiam metodologiczne podstawy teorii oraz odnoszę się do badań terenowych prowadzonych przeze mnie w dwureligijnej społeczności lokalnej w zachodniej części Macedonii Północnej. Charakteryzuję główne pytania i siatkę pojęciową teorii, w tym kluczowe pojęcie granic społecznych oraz typy procesów podtrzymywania granic społecznych, takie jak wykluczenie, stygmatyzacja, konflikt, ograniczanie relacji. Streszczam kontrowersje związane z wyjaśnieniem społecznych uwarunkowań podtrzymywania granic społecznych, w tym kontekście analizuję krytycznie koncepcje Fredrika Bartha oraz Andreasa Wimmera. W dalszej części prezentuję proponowane przez siebie uzupełnienie teorii. Polega ono na doprecyzowaniu wyjaśnienia procesów podtrzymywania granic społecznych. Dowodzę, że podtrzymywanie granic społecznych przeciwdziała „społecznym precedensom”, czyli powtarzającym się naruszeniom specyficznych zasad generatywnych warunkujących odtwarzanie określonych form społecznych stosunków władzy. Na koniec wskazuję pytania i problemy, do jakich prowadzi przedstawiona tu propozycja teoretyczna.
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Marcin Lubaś

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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China has been building an ecological compensation system to eliminate the contradiction between economic development and ecological protection. Aiming at conflicts of interest in the implementation of an ecological compensation policy for China’s mineral resource development, this study established a tripartite evolutionary game model to simulate the ecological compensation scenario and determined the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) under different scenarios; it uses numerical simulation to analyse the strategy evolution process of stakeholders and the influence of parameter changes on each strategy. The results show that there is an optimal ESS for ecological compensation for mineral resource development, which condition is C1 < Ti + F1, P < F2, C2 < R1 + R2. The initial cooperation intentions of stakeholders directly affected the final stable state. Local governments are most affected by the input cost, and mining enterprises are most affected by the supervision of the central government. Punishment can effectively restrain the behavior of local governments and mining enterprises and promote the implementation of ecological compensation systems. In addition, the higher supervision cost of the central government, the longer time it will take for the stakeholders to reach the stable state. Finally, reducing the payment amount for ecological compensation will not affect the trend in environmental improvement; in contrast, it is conducive to the preservation of enterprises’ strength, economic development and ecological environment protection. The main findings of this study can help secure coordinate between the stakeholders in conflict and jointly formulate appropriate ecological compensation policy.
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Yiqiao Wang
Yongtao Gao
Guoqing Li
Yu Zhou
Jianhui Li

  1. School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
  2. Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
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In the present paper, an analysis uf lower bound estimation of the load carrying capacity of structures with intermediate stiffeners is undertaken. Thin-walled structures with intermediate stiffeners in the elastic range, being under axial compression and a bending moment, are examined on the basis of the Byskov and Hutchinson's method [4] and the co-operation between all the walls of the considered structures is shown. The structures are assumed to be simply supported at the ends. The study is based on the numerical method 01· the transition matrix using Godunov's orthogonalization [2]. Instead of the finite strip method, the exact transition matrix method is used in this case. In the presented method for lower bound estimation uf the load carrying capacity of structures, it is postulated that the reduced local critical load should be determined taking into account the global pre-critical bending within the first order non-linear approximation to the theory of the interactive buckling of the structure. The results are compared to those obtained from the design code and the data reported by other authors. The present paper is a continuation of papers [9], [ 11], [ 19], where the interactive buckling of thin-walled beam-columns with central intermediate stiffeners in the first and the second order approximation was considered. The most important advantage of this method is that it enables us to describe a complete range of behaviour ot· thin-walled structures from all global (flexural. flexural-torsional, lateral, distortional and their combinations) to local stability. In the solution obtained, the effects of interaction of modes, the transformation of buckling modes with an increase in load, the shear lag phenomenon and also the effect of cross-sectional distortions arc included.
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Andrzej Teter
Zbigniew Kolakowski
Keywords Antarctic geology
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Admiralty Bay, which is the largest embayment on King George Island (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica) has been geologically mapped by the present author between 1977 and 1979. The following rock-complexes have been distinguished: 1) evoic stratiform complex of andesitic and rhyolitic lavas and sediments (Martel Inlet Group and Cardozo Cove Group: probably Upper Jurassic); 2) Andean intrusions represented by gabbroic and dioritic dykes with associated pyrite-mineralization (Wegger Peak Group: approximately Cretaceous-Tertiery boundary); 3) Tertiary stratiform complex of basaltic and andesitic lavas and interstratified sediments, altogether more than 2700 m thick (King Island Supergroup: probably Eocene — Middle Miocene); 4) late Tertiary intrusive complex of basaltic and andesitic dykes and plugs (Admiralty Bay Group: probably boundary of Miocene and Pliocene); 5) late Tertiary effusives: olivine basalts, andesites etc., and sediments, about 600 m thick (Kraków Icefield Supergroup: Pliocene and ?earfy Pleistocene), with well preserved traces of two subsequent glaciations; 6) Quaternary intrusions (Cape Syrezol Group), Pleistocene) and effusives (Penguin Island Group: Holocene), mainly olivine basalts, related to opening of the Bransfield rift. An outline of structural history of King George Island is also presented.

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Krzysztof Birkenmajer

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