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Less developed regions hardly break out of path dependency. These regions encounter a serious number of problems hampering the possibility to accelerate their growth. Thus, the aim of the paper is to analyse the possibility of changing development paths by less developed regions based on previous experience in recent years. Regions that managed to change the development path were characterized by a coherent regional policy, a very good preparation and education of human capital, a strong centre of the region (the metropolitan area) facilitating the development of entrepreneurship and innovation based on new industries (like service industries) and demand for manufactured goods and services. At the same time, the main city in the region must bridge the developing new path and the global world – it must provide physical and virtual accessibility for the whole region.

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Korneliusz Pylak
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In this paper, I will look at the functioning of space through a specific example of the practice of socially modelling past realities in the 1940 Exposition of the Portuguese World. (Exposição do Mundo Português). The perspective of the Exposition will allow us to analyse the model of the"Portuguese world" and propose the creation of an interpretative key, in order to understand the “essence” of Portuguese spatial imagery. We will look at the exhibition in the perspective of Krzysztof Pomian's semiophore theory, trying to interpret its main assumptions and the cultural patterns that fund it, as well as what kind of model of space it co‑creates. In the light of the exhibition we will try to answer the question of how space constitutes the mental foundation of the model of the"Portuguese world". And how the spatial patterns of Portuguese culture are made present through the selected semiophores of the Portuguese World Exhibition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Kasprowicz

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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Stanisław Hebanowski (1912–1983) was a well-known theatre director and translator of plays. At the age of 57 years, he moved to Gdansk, which marked the beginning of his most prolific artistic creativity and the period of some of his greatest achievements in the Polish theatre. Hebanowski’s collection of books, which, in the representative part of 4,000 volumes, made its way to the Gdansk Library, reflects its owner’s broad, not only theatrical, interests. Almost all the books are signed and provided with ordering numbers and letter markings indicating their belonging to a particular section – according to the author’s language or the topic of a given item. The provenance of the books is indicated by markings and annotations of their previous owners: apart from gifts and items purchased in second hand and ordinary bookshops in Gdansk, Krakow, Lwow, Poznan and Warsaw, the collection also includes books originating from theatres in Gdansk, Lodz and Poznan, and school libraries in Krakow and Tarnogora, university libraries from Krakow and Poznan, monastery libraries from Kolomyia and Stanislawow, and a public library in Rzeszow, along with ones previously belonging to various individuals. Some of the books from Hebanowski’s library – printed texts of theatre plays – include numerous annotations made by their owner – testimonies to the director’s preparation for the staging of the appropriate drama.
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Maria Sokołowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych

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