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Sensory processing sensitivity is a relatively new theoretical construct. Its main components include deeper processing of stimuli as well as a stronger response to environmental impacts, both positive and negative. The effect of misinformation, which involves the inclusion of misinformation in the witness's memory reports, can be modified by varied factors, including personality characteristics. To the knowledge of the authors, no such research has been conducted so far and thereby the aim of the following study was to examine the relationship between the sensory processing sensitivity and susceptibility to the misinformation effect. Group studies were carried out according to the three-stage scheme of investigating the misinformation effect. After the original material was presented, the participants were exposed to a post-event material, containing the misinformation in the experimental group. Then the memory of the original material was tested. A strong misinformation effect was shown. Highly sensitive people, achieving the highest results in the Highly Sensitive Person Scale, were more resistant to the misinformation effect.
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Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Kamil Sadowski
Malwina Szpitalak

  1. Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
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In this paper, the applications of the multivariate data analysis and optimization on vibration signals from compressors have been tested on the assembly line to identify nonconforming products. The multivariate analysis has wide applicability in the optimization of weather forecasting, agricultural experiments, or, as in this case study, in quality control. The techniques of discriminant analysis and linear program were used to solve the problem. The acceleration and velocity signals used in this work were measured in twenty-five rotating compressors, of which eleven were classified as good baseline compressors and fourteen with manufacturing defects by the specialists in the final acoustic test of the production line. The results obtained with the discriminant analysis separated the conforming and nonconforming groups with a significance level of 0.01, which validated the proposed methodology.

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Déborah Reis
Fernanda Vanzo
Jorge Reis
Marcus Duarte
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The distribution of planktonic Ostracoda (Halocyprididae) was studied based on vertically-stratified zooplankton samples collected by hauling 200 p.m - mesh net by day and by night during two austral seasons: summer 1985/1986 and winter 1989, from the 1200 m deep Croker Passage off the Antarctic Peninsula. Seven species of Ostracoda were recorded: Alacia belgicae, Alacia hettacra, Melaconchoecia isocheira, Metaconchoecia skogsbergi, Boroecia antipoda, Disconchoecia aff. elegans and Proceroecia brachyaskos. The first three species, endemic to Antarctic waters, were predominant (about 90%). Generally Ostracoda were most numerous in 600-200 m layer in summer and in 1000-400 m layer in winter. In the investigated area there was a clear contrast between the abundance of Ostracoda during austral summer and scarcity during austral winter.

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Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk
Maria Iwona Żmijewska
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Currently, we live in a culture of being overly busy, but this does not translate into efficiency, speed of implementation of the actions taken. Enterprises are constantly looking for methods and tools to make them more efficient. The most popular method of production management is Lean Manufacturing, less known is Theory of Constraints. This work is a continuation of the research on the comparison of these methods with apply a computer simulation, which the analyzed production process in the selected enterprise, after 24 hours and week. An attempt was made to simplify the comparison of the methods based on the obtained simulation in terms of costs. In analyzed case, more advantageous solution is to use the DBR method. To produce various orders that do not require 100% production on the bottleneck position, the use of Kanban is a frequent practice as it provides greater flexibility in order execution.
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Klaudia Tomaszewska

  1. Faculty of Management Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
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One of the current challenges in transport is e-mobility, understood as electromobility, ecomobility and mobility economics. E-mobility is nowadays a key focus area of socio-technical change, in terms of attention from policy makers as well as from industry and the public. The societal challenges ahead, in particular climate change put increasing pressure on the current mobility system, due to its tremendous environmental impact. Furthermore e-mobility is seen as major economic opportunity for the automotive industry. In this context, based on the available literature and documents and practical solutions implemented already in cities and agglomerations, the paper discusses the fundamental challenges that cities are to face in the context of the current megatrends. This process will engage diff erent stakeholders in order to make this concept become a reality.

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Adam Przybyłowski
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The paper presents the meaning of complexity as a notion in psychology, and its influence on architectural theory in the 1960s, focusing on the notion of optimal complexity. A commentary is presented on the two texts („Network of straight lines” and „Limited complexity”) by professor architect Juliusz Żórawski from 1967, where he has introduced the term of limited complexity in relation to architecture, and where he criticizes excessively far reaching forecasts of future development. Żórawski’s concepts are parallel to those of R. Venturi at that time.

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J. Krzysztof Lenartowicz
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The aim of the study is to describe aspects of the life history of the Atlantic poacher (Leptagonus decagonus) obtained during early October 2010 and late September 2011 from the Hinlopen Strait, located between Nordaustlandet and the Spitsbergen Archipelago. Length was measured for 142 individuals, and 82 out of these were weighed, sexed and the age in years determined. The sex distribution in the population was 45% females and 55% males. Gut content examination revealed the domination of the mesopelagic and hyper−benthic calanoid Bradyidius similis that was recorded in 87% of the stomachs analysed. Overall there was a significant difference in size (length and weight) between the sexes, and a difference in length and weight at age between the sexes. There was no difference in age distribution between the sexes, but there was a larger age range within the male population than in the female population. The sexual dimorphism in size is likely linked to different reproductive strategies. This study represents the first data on the life history of the Atlantic poacher in Svalbard waters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kristin Heggland
Camilla A. Meyer Ottesen
Jørgen Berge

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