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Bełchatów lignite deposit is located in the central partof Poland in the tectonic Kleszczów graben. It is dividedinto several parts, which are mining fields: Kamieńsk area (eastern part of the deposit), Bełchatów area (central partof the deposit) and Szczerców area (western part of the deposit). The subject of this study was the Belchatow area.The main issue of the investigations was the dependence of local, regional and global, horizontal variability of selected lignite qualitative parameters (moisture, ash content, calorific value and sulfur content in the as receivedstate) is a function of viewing direction. There was applied the geostatistical analysis of the lignite variability parameters with use of semivariograms.

The researches which were conducted at different scales of observation: in the locale scale – in small field size8 ́8 m called experimental area (local analysis), in larger homogeneous separated parts of the Belchatow area(regional analysis) and in the whole Bełchatów area scale (general analysis). The results proved the visible anisotropy of variability mine lignite parametres. Anisotropy structure observed in regional and global scale isconnected with tectonic structure of the Bełchatów Graben. The detailed studies show the variated level of anisotropy observed in different areas of Bełchatów field.

However, no dependence of the relative level of ash and total sulfur content anisotropy on the environment of sedimentation of the main coal deposit in different parts of the Belhchatów field has been observed. Both parameters characterize with strong or medium anisotropy level in examined fields. Moreover, anisotropy is alsovisible in the local scale. Conducted researches confirmed the thesis that zonal anisotropy is prevalent kind of anisotropy in the regional scale. In the range of the whole deposit the total sulfur content showed zonal anisotropy,whereas the ash content revealed geometric anisotropy

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Tomasz Bartuś
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W polskiej socjologii panuje szereg nieporozumień wokół teorii aktora-sieci (ANT). Świetnie obrazuje to tekst An Invasion of Tricksters. Niniejszy artykuł jest odpowiedzią na jego zarzuty. Ambicje naszego tekstu wykraczają poza ukazanie błędów interpretacyjnych i innych niedostatków tego artykułu. Przede wszystkim konfrontujemy tu rożne strategie korzystania przez socjologów z ustaleń filozoficznych i omawiamy ich przydatność naukową. Dodatkowo oferujemy własną, wewnętrzną krytykę ANT.

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Łukasz Afeltowicz
Krzysztof Pietrowicz
Radosław Sojak
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During the period from 1960 to 1990 yr, as a result ofsystematic geological prospecting and exploration, the huge vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits were discovered and evaluated. The set ofcriteria (balance criteria), introduced in 1974 yr. were used for deposit delineation and resources calculation. The deposits are located at 800--2300 mdepth, has 1.34 billion t resources of ore with average 28% Fe, 7% TiO2 and 0,3% V2Os content. The proposal and design of mine construction had caused strong opposition because of environment protection in Suwałki - Augustow Lake District where the deposits are located. The deposits were discovered in time of increasing demand for vanadium, titanium and iron, the both on international market and in Poland for expanding metallurgy. It promoted exploration and optimistic opinion on deposit value. In the same time however has increased exigencies for iron ore quality and vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits located close to the surface in South Africa has become the main vanadium supplier to the market. It make necessary to revise the preliminary optimistic deposit evaluations. Titanomagnetite ores are seldom interesting as a source of titanium and iron because of composed technology of their enrichment and metallurgical processing and vague profitability of their extraction. The vanadium is the main valuable component of the ore. The forecasted costs of mining and ore processing and forecasted prices of V2Os, ilmenite and magnetite concentrate allow to calculate the cut off equivalent V2Os content which should be used for deposit delineation. It is 0.73% V2O5. Only 1% of previously indicated ore reserves fulfill that requirement. Comparative analysis of Suwałki deposits with other vanadiferous titanomagnetite deposits recentlymined allow to demonstrate that small amount ofresources which could be supposed economic, located at great depth, make the deposit not interesting for mining as well at present as in the anticipated future. The environment protection is therefore not threatened. The deposits are interesting geological phenomena without practical value at present.
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Marek Nieć
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The analysis and assessment of the development of solar energy were carried out and it was noted that the production of solar electricity in the world has increased by more than 15% over the last year. In 2020 there are more than 37 countries with a total photovoltaic capacity of more than one GW, and the share of solar energy in total world electricity production was 8.15%. In the regional context, the largest production of electricity by solar energy sources is in Asia (at the expense of India and China) and North America (USA). The study assesses the main factors in the development of solar energy from the standpoint of environmental friendliness and stability of the electricity supply. The problem of the utilization of solar station equipment in the EU and the US is considered. According to the IPCC, IEA, Solar Power Europe, forecasting the development of solar energy in the world is considered. It is proved that the main factor in assessing the economic efficiency of solar energy production is a regional feature due to natural and climatic conditions (intensity of solar radiation). The use of solar generation is auxiliary for the operation of modern electrical networks as long as the efficiency of photovoltaic cells increases by at least 60–65%. Marginal costs of solar energy are minimal in those countries where active state support is provided. The competitiveness of solar energy is relatively low. However, from the standpoint of replacing energy fuel at a cost of USD 10 per 1 Gcal of solar energy saves 10–20 million tons of conventional fuel. Industrial production of solar electricity at modern solar power plants forms a price at the level of USD 250–450 for 1 MWh.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yevheniia Sribna
Viktor Koval
Piotr Olczak
Dmytro Bizonych
Dominika Matuszewska
Oleksandr Shtyrov

  1. National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  2. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  4. Etalontechservice LLC, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  5. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  6. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv
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The role of energy as a key factor in enhancing sustainable development, energy security, and economic competitiveness is a reason that has made energy efficiency trends tracking essential and is why policymakers and energy planners have focused on energy intensity and its following issues. Also, the inadequate operation of the traditional energy intensity index and the overestimation of its results turned this index into a weak one. Hence, it is necessary to employ a new index that can be decomposed and is capable of considering both monetary and physical activity indicators to offer a more accurate view of the energy intensity variation. This paper develops a Composite Energy Intensity Index by combining monetary and physical activity indicators by applying the multiplicative Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) in 2001–2011 to decompose the factors affecting energy intensity change and seeks to fill the gap between the EGR and CEI indices. The results of the survey demonstrate more economy-wide energy consumption reduction while using the composite energy intensity index as compared to the traditional energy intensity index; also, the results show the relatively important role of the overall structure effect. From Sectoral perspective results, both energy to GDP index (EGR) and composite energy intensity index (CEI) have shown passenger transport as the most energy-consuming sector. The passenger transport sector reveals an urgent need for implementing appropriate policies to reduce the high energy consumption of the sector.
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Mahta Ghafarian Ghadim
Ali Faridzad

  1. Department of Energy, Agriculture and Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran
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The continuous improvement in the industries and organizations hinges upon the evaluation of their performance. In fact, the performance evaluation assists organizations to identify their strengths and weaknesses and, accordingly, enhance their efficiency. As soon as the concept of sustainability was propounded in the engineering based industries, the performance evaluation got more importance due to the environmental issues and social concerns along with the economical aspects. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to propose an approach based on fuzzy best-worst method (BWM) and fuzzy inference system (FIS) in order to evaluate the performance of an Iranian steel complex in terms of sustainability concept. In the proposed approach, the weights of some selected criteria were determined by fuzzy BWM method and, then, the score of the under study industry was calculated in terms of economic, environmental, and social aspects. At the end, an FIS was developed to calculate the final score of the intended industry. In order to check the efficiency of the proposed approach, its performance was measured using expert knowledge as well as real data of a steel complex in Iran. A moderate to high performance has been achieved for the understudy case through conducting the proposed approach. It was suggested that the industry should focus on the criteria with both high weights and low evaluated scores (for example the environmental management technologies and knowledge criterion) to increase its performance evaluation score. The obtained results were indicative of the efficiency of the proposed approach.

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Mehdi Pezeshkan
Navid Hosseini
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The paper presents a global perspective of the current technologies used for steel production and the steel markets. The iron and steel industry is a very complex sector that is strongly related with the rest of the economy due to the importance of steel products for industries such as construction, automotive, and other manufacturing sectors. Moreover, the iron and steel industry demands significant amounts of raw materials and energy, and most companies producing raw materials are located remote from the areas of highest steel demand. In consequence, both steel products and inputs are traded internationally (mostly by sea) and in large quantities, what additionally complicates analyses of the iron and steel industry. Steel prices depend on several variables, and there is not a single price for steel since there is a great variety of steel products traded. Those prices depend on supply and demand interaction (between steel producers and consumers, but also on interaction with other industries competing for the same inputs), and on transport conditions. As concerns the ownership structure, the steel industry consists of some large firms that operate globally and produce significant output, and many small firms that operate at a lesser scale. Recently, some of those firms have consolidated into large multinationals (such as ArcelorMittal, formed in 2006 by the merger of Arcelor and Mittal Steel, Arcelor being the result of the previous merger of Aceralia (ES), Usinor (FR), and Arbed (LX) in 2002). The results of this article form the basis for further long- and mid-term analyses of the development of the global steel industry. The main conclusion of the paper is that any future analysis of the iron and steel industry should be based on quantitative modelling tools that: (i) properly capture the technological diversity of the industry and the key features of the supply chain, (ii) are able to consider the strategic behaviour of all the key players of the industry, and (iii) consider all those factors at the global scale.

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Ignacio Hidalgo González
Jacek Kamiński
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Every social group exhibits a need to make decisions that are binding for all its members and the participation of various interest groups in decision-making today is an integral part of modern political and legal thought as well as administrative processes. Recently, increased community engagement and greater awareness of the society with regard to the possibility of influencing the development on a microregion (commune) scale have also been observed. This often translates into problems in obtaining a social license for a given project, which is particularly visible in mining activities. However, obtaining such a license requires the involvement and awareness of many stakeholder groups on which a project will have a direct impact. It should be ensured that this engagement takes place at a very early stage of a given project. In the case of mining activity, which is possible only after obtaining appropriate licenses (exploration or exploitation), this involvement takes the form of public consultation. This is due to the legal conditions presented in the following article for 3 EU countries (Poland, Austria, Sweden) and Serbia. The analysis showed that participation is mainly at the level of consultation in all countries and is an important element of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure of the mining project, which is an important stage in obtaining a mining (less frequently exploration) license. Public consultations at the stage of spatial planning are also present and have a diverse scope. However, special attention should be paid to these as they are crucial for proper mineral deposit safeguarding. Stakeholders’ awareness of planning decisions taken by local authorities can be crucial for the fast path to obtaining both formal and informal concessions, which takes the form of social license to operate (SLO).
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska
Vladimir Simić
Michael Tost
Linda Wårell

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia
  3. Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics, Austria
  4. Luleå University of Technology, Department of Social Sciences, Sweden
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Modern technologies have been revolutionizing industries for years, providing competitive advantages to companies. As a technology based on decentralization, Blockchain becomes a tool to support and secure processes and transactions in industries such as mining and power engineering. It also supports supply chain processes, which are particularly important in today's mining business. The use of advanced cryptography methods results in increased cyber security in entities that implement such solutions. The use of Blockchain technology carries a strong message, both to competitors and customers, about intensifying work on authentication and process traceability. This publication focuses on defining the trust gap problem in the mining industry and on examples of the use of technology in data traceability processes. The mining industry is beginning to use technologies which had been previously available only in the theoretical realm. The ongoing development towards a smart industry entails a number of studies and expert assessments, aimed to integrate knowledge from the mining and IT areas. The combination of these research areas leads to an increase in the value of both the companies implementing modern technologies and traditional companies that implement such applications in their value chain. Based on the analyzed articles, two main areas of consideration in the context of the extractive industry were distinguished: systems that track and secure the flow of data in specific mining processes and systems that monitor and secure information on processes which support the raw materials supply chain.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Leśniak
Arkadiusz Jacek Kustra
Elżbieta Królikowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., Jastrzębie-Zdroje, Poland
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The aim of this cross-sectional study is to examine if neglect is associated with self-rated health (SRH) and if neglect mediates the association between selected factors and self-rated health, among older men and women. The analyses were based on face-to-face computer-assisted personal interviews con-ducted with 1632 randomly selected community-dwelling individuals aged 65 years and more from among the general population of Lesser Poland. The regression models’ analysis revealed that elder neglect was associated with self-rated health, and the mediation analysis demonstrated that neglect mediates the association between frequency of church attendance and SRH, as well as between marital status (being a widower vs being married) and SRH, among men. These observations can be helpful in better under-standing of the broad context of elder neglect in order to develop instruments for an efficient improve-ment of older adults’ health and quality of life. In addition to this, the study underlines the role of social networks and social engagement as factors which might protect against neglect, and thus improve self- rated health of older people.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Stodolska
Katarzyna Zawisza
Barbara Wizner
Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk
Tomasz Grodzicki

  1. Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Chair of Internal Medicine and Gerontology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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Poland is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of lignite resources (including reserves). With respect to lignite mining, its position is even higher at sixth in the world, fourth in Europe and second in the European Union (EU). The role of lignite in the Polish energy mix is crucial because ~27% of electricity was generated in lignite-fired power plants in 2022. However, there are countries in Europe where the dependence on lignite is much greater and currently in the range of 40–96%. B oth the national and EU climate energy policy assumes the abandonment of lignite as a source of ‘dirty’ electricity within the next two decades. This ambitious goal is achievable but it may be threatened by the geopolitical situation. However, after 2040–2044, a large number of lignite deposits will remain in Poland. The deposits are well recognized and the detailed geology is well documented, with the estimated reserves intended for exploitation amounting to 5.8 Gt. These deposits, like the five which are currently mined, are stratigraphically diverse and characterized by a complex geology, representing different genetic types. In the context of a coal-free energy policy in the EU, the problem of the legal protection of lignite deposits remains. Thus, the question arises of what is next for Polish lignite deposits. They may be managed in the coming decades by using improved unconventional methods, such as in situ or ex situ gasification. Lignite deposits will constitute a strategic reserve in the event of a deep energy crisis caused by an unstable geopolitical situation. Finally, we suggest the urgent introduction of more precise legal changes that would protect at least part of the lignite resources in Poland for future generations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Widera
Paweł Urbański
Sławomir Mazurek
Wojciech Naworyta

  1. Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  3. Mining Engineering and Occupational Safety, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland

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