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Despite the growing interest in traditional cuisine, to the present author’s knowledge no linguistic analysis of Polish culinary recipes has been conducted so far. Even though numerous studies of recipes written in other languages, such as English, have been published, the structure and typology of early Polish recipes have, as yet, been ignored. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the earliest known Polish collection Compendium Ferculorum, and collate these fi ndings with what is known about this text type from other languages. Such an analysis will show whether the earliest Polish instructions, which appeared relatively late, i.e. in the 17th century, follow the pattern which is typical of the period or rather that of an earlier stage in the evolution of the recipe, as was the case with the earliest American recipes (Dylewski 2016).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Bator


Measurement of vital signs of the human body such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and respiratory rate is an important part of diagnosing medical conditions and these are usually measured using medical equipment. In this paper, we propose to estimate an important vital sign – heart rate from speech signals using machine learning algorithms. Existing literature, observation and experience suggest the existence of a correlation between speech characteristics and physiological, psychological as well as emotional conditions. In this work, we estimate the heart rate of individuals by applying machine learning based regression algorithms to Mel frequency cepstrum coefficients, which represent speech features in the spectral domain as well as the temporal variation of spectral features. The estimated heart rate is compared with actual measurement made using a conventional medical device at the time of recording speech. We obtain estimation accuracy close to 94% between the estimated and actual measured heart rate values. Binary classification of heart rate as ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’ is also achieved with 100% accuracy. A comparison of machine learning algorithms in terms of heart rate estimation and classification accuracy is also presented. Heart rate measurement using speech has applications in remote monitoring of patients, professional athletes and can facilitate telemedicine.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mohammed Usman
Mohammed Zubair
Zeeshan Ahmad
Monji Zaidi
Thafasal Ijyas
Muneer Parayangat
Mohd Wajid
Mohammad Shiblee
Jaffar Ali Ali

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering King Khalid University Abha, 61411, Saudi Arabia
  2. Department of Electronics Engineering Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, 202001, India
  3. Department of Computer Engineering Taif University Taif, 21944, Saudi Arabia
  4. Department of Computer EngineeringKing Khalid University Abha, 61411, Saudi Arabia


In this research, nonlinear analysis of composite shear walls (CSWs) with a gap between reinforced concrete wall and steel frame is investigated under cyclic loading by the use of the finite element method (FEM) software ABAQUS. For the purpose of the verification, an experimental test is modelled and comparison of its obtained result with that of the experimental test demonstrates an inconsiderable difference between them; therefore, the reasonable accuracy of the modelling is revealed. Then, effects of different parameters on the behaviour of the CSWs are examined. Gap size between reinforced concrete wall and steel frame, reinforcement percentage, steel sections of beams and columns, and existence of reinforced concrete wall are considered as parameters. It is concluded that change of the parameters affects the ultimate strength, ductility, and energy dissipation of the system. A steel shear wall (SSW) is also modelled and compared with the CSWs. Buckling of the walls is presented as well.

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Alireza Bahrami
Mojtaba Yavari


This paper presents an analysis of natural vibrations of typical façade scaffolding. Three Finite Element Method models with different levels of accuracy of the real structure of the scaffolding representation were used. Modal analysis was carried out for each of these models. The obtained frequencies and mode shapes were compared with the results from the measurements performed on the full-scale scaffolding. The authors of the paper point out the difficulties arise while modelling such structures, and suggest ways to improve the accuracy of scaffolding computational models.

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P. Jamińska-Gadomska
J. Bęc
T. Lipecki
A. Robak


The main goal of the presented research was to investigate spatial distribution of surface sediments and to recognize relationships between chemical composition of water and sediments in a coastal Lake Sarbsko (northern Poland). The Lake Sarbsko is a freshwater basin. The water column is well oxygenated and waters exhibit only minor spatial variability of chemical composition indicating rapid and good mixing. Surface sediments of Lake Sarbsko are strongly diversified with respect to chemical composition. The sediments of Lake Sarbsko are characterized by elevated content of terrigenous silica indicating enhanced input of clastic material from the watershed and/or increased dynamics of the lake waters. Moreover, SiO2ter is strongly negatively correlated with SiO2biog, organic matter and element contents, which argues for diluting effect of the former towards authigenic components of sediments. Basically, terrigenous silica (quartz) content is highest in the lake shores and declines towards the lake center. Biogenic silica, organic matter and most of elements display reversed tendency. CaCO3 was encountered in three isolated areas, where it co-occurs with FeS. It is anticipated that precipitation of calcite in Lake Sarbsko resulted from postdepositional processes. Spatial distribution of Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, Na and K in Lake Sarbsko is also governed by their geochemical affinities to organic matter (Fe), Fe/Mn oxides (Fe, Mn), sulphides (Fe), clay minerals (Na, K, Mg, Mn) and carbonates (Ca, Mn).

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Michał Woszczyk
Roman Cieśliński
Waldemar Spychalski


Wejście w życie ustawy o rewitalizacji (Dz.U. z 2015 r. poz. 1777 z późn. zm.) z dniem 18 listopada 2015 r. umożliwiło gminom sprawne planowanie i wdrażanie procesu wyprowadzania obszarów zdegradowanych ze stanu kryzysowego. W ustawie znalazły się kluczowe uregulowania wpływające na programowanie rewitalizacji w Polsce. Jednym z najważniejszych instrumentów jest gminny program rewitalizacji (GPR). Aby móc w pełni wykorzystać potencjał, jaki drzemie w tym dokumencie, należy szukać rozwiązań pozwalających na stworzenie go w jak najbardziej kompleksowej formie. Jednym z przykładów takich działań jest współpraca ośrodka uniwersyteckiego z jednostką samorządu terytorialnego. Można powiedzieć, że dzięki połączeniu wiedzy praktycznej urzędników z wiedzą teoretyczną ekspertów ze środowiska akademickiego uzyskano projekt unikalny w skali kraju. Jest także wyjątkowy dlatego, że w procesie jego tworzenia aktywnie uczestniczyli studenci gospodarki przestrzennej. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie przebiegu procesu współpracy Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza z urzędem podczas sporządzania Gminnego Programu Rewitalizacji dla miasta Kalisza oraz ukazanie roli, jaką odegrali w tym projekcie studenci.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Malwina Balcerak
Maciej Główczyński
Adam Wronkowski


Autor analizuje rolę instytucji klasyfikacyjnych w systemie bezpieczeństwa morskiego. Ustawa z 9 listopada 2000 r. o be7.Pieczeństwie morskim 1ryznacza określone role między innymi instytucjom klasyfikacyjnym. Nie jest to żadne novum legislacyjne, gdyż wcześniej stanowił o tym rozdział w kodeksie morskim z 1961 roku, a jeszcze wcześniej rozporządzenie Prezydenta RP z 1930 roku o bezpieczeństwie statków morskich. W tej dziedzinie polskie prawo morskie pozostaje w odpowiednim związku z prawem europejskim, w szczególności z Dyrektywą Rady nr 94/57/WE z dnia 22 listopada 1994 roku. Odpowiednio do tej dyrektywy skonstruowane jest rozporządzenie 1rykonawcze do art. 15 ust. 1 pkt 2 usta\1)' o bezpieczeństwie morskim. Chodzi o rozporządzenie z dnia 20 listopada 2002 r. w sprawie określenia trybu uznania instytucji klasyfikacyjnych do sprawowania nadzoru technicznego nad statkami oraz rodzajów i zakresów przeglądów statków morskich. Statek nie może być używany w żegludze morskiej, jeżeli nie ma określonych prawem wymagań w zakresie budowy, stałych urządzeń i wyposażenia. Ustawa z 29 listopada 2000 r. o bezpieczeństwie morskim odsyła w tym zakresie do konwencji międzynarodo1rych oraz do przepisów tej usta1ry. Kontrowersyjnym jest, czy minister (wlaści1ry do spraw gospodarki morskiej) może w drodze rozporządzenia uznać za obowiązujące przepisy techniczne w zakresie budo\1)' statku, jego stałych urządzeń i \1)'posażenia \1)'dane przez polską instytucję klasyfikacyjną.
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Zbigniew Godecki


A comparative analysis concerning the influence of different factors on momentum transfer in mechanically agitated systems was carried out on the basis of experimental results for solid-liquid, gas-liquid and gas-solid-liquid systems. The effects of the impeller - baffles system geometry, scale of the agitated vessel, type and number of impellers and their off-bottom clearance, as well as physical properties of the multiphase systems on the critical impeller speeds needed to produce suspension or dispersion, power consumption and gas hold-up were analysed and evaluated.

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Magdalena Cudak
Anna Kiełbus-Rąpała
Marta Major-Godlewska
Joanna Karcz


The article examines the theoretical discussions on the dualism of “form” and “content” in literature and art that took place in Soviet Ukraine in the mid-1920s. The subject is considered in the context of the development of two competitive approaches of study of literature and art — Russian formalism and Marxism. The problem is observed through the comparison of ethical and ideological positions of the modernists and Marxists in Russia and Ukraine in the 1920s.

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Galina Babak


Paper presents the results of numerical modelling of a rectangular tube filled with a mixture of air and CO2 by means of the induced standing wave. Assumed frequency inducing the acoustic waves corresponds to the frequency of the thermoacoustic engine. In order to reduce the computational time the engine has been replaced by the mechanical system consisting of a piston. This paper includes the results of model studies of an acoustic tube filled with a mixture of air and CO2 in which a standing wave was induced.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sebastian Rulik
Leszek Remiorz
Sławomir Dykas

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