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In the present paper, the damage of fiber-reinforced composite laminates is considered with the aim to examine the change of their mechanical properties. The crucial issue for theoretical analysis is to construct constitutive relations, which talce into account the development of damage, along with stress and strain. The paper is mainly focused on this problem. In order to derive an adequate description, the author employs an approach based on polynomial invariants functions and invariants integrity basis by Adkins.
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Janusz German
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The preservation of historical documents is a task that requires a multidisciplinary team. Mechanical engineering can make valuable contributions. Historical documents made of paper have unique characteristics that must be considered for their preservation and exhibition. Specially designed encasements have emerged as a solution to meet these requirements. In the present research, a comparative design study was carried out. The study comprises identifying the main functions of the encasements. Subsequently, it is analyzed how the capsules that appear in the literature have solved these functions. With the information obtained, three new encasements were designed for historical documents in Mexico. From the results and design experiences, some insights and design principles were obtained; these can be universally applied.
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Alejandro C. Ramirez-Reivich
Ma. Pilar Corona-Lira
Diego A. Zamora-Garcia
Anahí Velazquez-Silva
Vicente Borja

  1. School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
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The control of structural vibrations due to ground motion can be done by the installation of a passive, active, and hybrid base isolation system. The primary function of the base isolator is to support the superstructure and provide huge horizontal flexibility and a long period of vibration. In this paper, a special HRDB base isolator is made from natural rubber with special elastic property and hardness. This base isolator is designed to support gravity loads of two-story RC building. The experimental hysteresis loop of this isolator is validated with analytical modeling hysteresis loop using Hysteresis program. The Bouc hysteresis rule was chosen as a model the hysteresis loop, and it is similar to experimental hysteresis loops. Later, a single bay two-story RC frame with a base isolation system was modeled using Ruaumoko 2D program subjected to three levels of earthquake excitations. After analyzing this frame under the 1994 Pacoima Dam Earthquake, the 1995 Kobe Earthquake and the 1940 El-Centro 1940 Earthquake. The numerical results show that this isolator is quite efficient in reducing the damage of structural and non-structural elements of the structure through minimizing inter-story drift, lateral displacement, and story acceleration. Therefore, this special HRDB based isolator is recommended to be used for low rise and medium-rise building in seismic regions.

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Amir Mohammad Alizada
Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid
Pattrick Tiong Liq Yee

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