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The paper presents noise measurements in low-resistance photodetectors using a cross-correlation-based transimpedance amplifier. Such measurements usually apply a transimpedance amplifier design to provide a current fluctuation amplification. In the case of low-resistance sources, the measurement system causes additional relevant system noise which can be higher than noise generated in a tested detector. It mainly comes from the equivalent input voltage noise of the transimpedance amplifier. In this work, the unique circuit and a three-step procedure were used to reduce the floor noise, covering the measured infrared detector noise, mainly when operating with no-bias or low-bias voltage. The modified circuit and procedure to measure the noise of unbiased and biased detectors characterized by resistances much lower than 100 Ω were presented. Under low biases, the reference low-resistance resistors tested the measurement system operation and techniques. After the system verification, noise characteristics in low-resistance InAs and InAsSb infrared detectors were also measured.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Achtenberg 
Janusz Mikołajczyk
Zbigniew Bielecki

  1. Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, 2 Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland

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