@ARTICLE{Rembarz_Gabriela_Beauty_2018, author={Rembarz, Gabriela}, volume={tom 187 Piękno i energia: współczesny model budowania dzielnic mieszkaniowych w Europie}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={8-15}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The article is an introduction to the monographic content of a volume containing articles dedicated to contemporary models of building residential districts in Europe, where the issue of an attractive, beautiful architectural form must integrate the dimension of energy efficiency. Individualism must be subject to flexible regulations so that the current understanding of the concept of spatial order brings with it commonly desirable qualities as an effective strategy against the processes of the city›s sprawl. Attached is the output of the HOPU-S URBACT II project (2007-2013), which became an inspiration for the topic.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Beauty and Energy – the Values within the Development of Contemporary Urban Residential Environment}, URL={http://www.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110306/PDF-MASTER/03%20Rembarz%201-%20Studia%20187.pdf}, keywords={Contemporary living environment, HOPU-S URBACT II, urban form}, }